Chapter 5 Swimming time

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Actually getting the boys to sleep that night was a problem on it's own. The two of them were too excited to swim with dolphins to really be able to sleep. "Noriaki do you think the dolphins will like me?" Jotaro asked as they laid on the futons on the ground, trying and failing to fall asleep.

"Of course, why wouldn't they? You're really cool" Kakyoin said, knowing for a fact that the animals would love the black haired boy despite his often silent nature. "Besides you know a lot about dolphins, more then I do" He said, a small jealous pout on his face. The redhead didn't want to admit the fact that Jotaro knew more about animals then he did.

The taller boy nodded in silence, staring at the ceiling. He was going to swim with his favourite animal and hopefully also play with them but even then the idea of spending time with his best friend was the best part. "Goodnight Noriaki" Jotaro finally said with a yawn, getting sleepy. With a smile Kakyoin wished him goodnight as well, going to sleep without anymore issues.

Morning soon came and the boys were the first ones to wake up. Correction it was Kakyoin who first woke up before waking up his friend by throwing pillows at him. "Wake up Jotaro, the dolphins are waiting for us" he said, clearly really excited while the other boy slowly began to wake up. A yawn escaped him as he sat up and stretched a bit.

"Morning" Jotaro mumbled, rather tired to say the least. He rubbed his eyes before stretching again to try and get the tiredness out of himself. He knew trying to rival his best friend when it came to energy was going to be hard, especially when he just woke up. "Calm down, we have to get ready first" The male said with a chuckle.

Kakyoin couldn't help but pout and laugh. "I know, I'm just excited to see the dolphins again" He said with a bright and happy smile on his face.

"Yare yare daze" The other boy mumbled with a chuckle, finally standing up to get ready for the day ahead. It wasn't too much. Just getting dressed, brushing teeth, brushing hair and eating breakfast once done. Both boys were wearing shorts and a t-shirt but Jotaro's was blue with a dolphin on it and Kakyoin's t-shirt was white with a green emerald pattern on it, affectingly dubbed the hierophant t-shirt by Jotaro.

The red head stuck out his tongue before laughing, as they checked if they had everything. Once that was done they excitedly walked towards the car where Kakyoin's mom was waiting. "ready boys?" She asked with a soft smile on her face. A chuckle left her when she noticed how Jotaro's usual neutral expression was showing extreme excitement, it made her feel happy knowing Kakyoin's best and only friend loved so many things her son liked too. Except video games, usually Jotaro preferred watching him play them.

When the boys were in the car the woman started the car and began driving, listening to the two boys chatter about several different topics. Ranging from marine life to drawing to even those spirit friends her son talked about sometimes. It was cute how Jotaro was willing to play along with it, even having his own spirit friend.

As soon as they reached the aquarium both boys were almost bouncing out of the car in excitement. Jotaro for once being the talkative one as he told Kakyoin all the cool things he learned about dolphins through books and other means. "Let's go, the dolphins are waiting for us" The woman said, taking both Jotaro's and Kakyoin's hand so they wouldn't run away and get lost before they could even swim with the dolphins. "We have a bit of time before it's our turn to swim with the dolphins. Where do you want to go first?'

"The octopuses please, they're so cool and really smart" Kakyoin said first, the fact they had 8 appendages reminded him of how hierophant also had many appendages to use. Jotaro nodded in agreement, hoping to see how the octopuses would camouflage themselves. They were always so cool too being able to fit in so many places and do so much to him, it just sparked an interest in him that made him want to know more about the creatures. "Jotaro is it octopuses or octopi?" The redhead asked as they walked towards the enclosure.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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