A book of memories

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Kakyoin's home was really nice and cool in Jotaro's eyes. Yes his own home was really nice but the redhead had a bigger room and a bigger garden to play in. While the mother's drank tea and talked about what seemed to be their sons, the two 9 year olds went to the boy's room.

"So what do you do for fun?"The taller boy asked the redhead, wondering what Kakyoin actually did in his spare time. Jotaro wanted to learn more about his new friend, curious if they shared any interests. The boy smiled and dragged Jotaro to a small tv with a gaming console in front of it.

Kakyoin took a controller and offered it to the taller boy. "I like to play games and draw" he said, hoping Jotaro liked the same things. Seeing the confused look on the tall boy's face made the redhead frown a bit before a smile appeared on his face. "I can teach you" He suggested hoping Jotaro would agree, thankfully he nodded and sat down next to the redhead before taking the controller.

The taller boy wouldn't lie, he had never played a video game in his life before but he was willing to try it. Kakyoin immediately started to explain how to play with a bright smile on his face, the happiness of finally having someone to play with that wasn't his stand showing on his face. Seeing it made Jotaro happy and excited to understand why his new friend liked video games, maybe it would even be more fun than he expects.

As the two played it was clear how little Jotaro actually knew how to play but the redhead was just happy to have someone playing with him, sure playing with Hierophant was fun but actually having a friend to play with was much better. After half an hour or so they began to get a bit bored, Kakyoin wondered what else they could do before noticing how Jotaro had been eyeing a book on that the redheaded boy had left on the ground last night. One about marine life if he remembered correctly. "Do you want to read it?" He asked, standing up to grab it.

Jotaro stayed quiet and nodded, he always felt a bit awkward when expressing what he liked. It felt somewhat embarrassing even when the boy knew people wanted to know. He snapped out of his small train of thought when Kakyoin was offering him the book to read. The boy hesitated for a moment before accepting it and opening the book, a paper falling out of it showing a drawing of a dolphin. Jotaro picked the drawing up and looked at it curiously. "Did you draw this? It looks really good" He said, not really having seen a drawing from another kid before.

"Oh yeah I did" Kakyoin said before a tiny blush appeared on his face, the directness of Jotaro was actually really nice. "I just use the pictures to draw dolphins" the boy admitted with a somewhat sheepish smile on his face. His parents just got the book for him once when he first showed interest in drawing, probably in hopes that he would also read it. Jotaro seemed much more interested then him the book. "Sea life is really cool though"

The taller boy nodded before smiling. "Did you know that star fish can grow back their arms when they're cut off?" Jotaro said, as he looked at some of the drawings between the pages. Talking about marine life always made him happy and the boy always wished to know more, Kakyoin didn't seem annoyed by it either which made him more confident about his enjoyment of marine life.

The redhead's eyes seemed to sparkle in interest, he didn't know about it yet. Kakyoin couldn't help but wonder why Jotaro chose him as a friend, well except the obvious fact they both had stands which made a lot of sense considering how rare they seemed to be. "Really? I didn't know that" the boy said, grabbing some paper to draw on as his friends was reading the book. It felt nice to draw some of the animals as Jotaro sometimes talked about his favourite marine animals. Especially dolphins. "Dolphins are really cool and nice, I swam with them once in an aquarium" Kakyoin said with a happy smile.

Jotaro stared at the other boy with surprised eyes for a few moments, making Kakyoin feel a tiny bit uncomfortable. "You went to swim with dolphin's? That's so cool" He said, completely dropping the tough kid act to be extremely curious, excited and sweet.

"Yep, you can come next time we go. Mom and dad won't mind." Kakyoin said, chuckling at the taller boy's reaction. Seeing this side of his new friend was nice considering how quiet and blunt the other had been before. He hoped that Jotaro would show more of this side, especially in moments of excitement.

The male looked at Kakyoin in surprise before nodding with a happy smile. "That would be really cool, can I really?" Jotaro asked, finally putting down the book out of excitement. After all who wouldn't want to swim with dolphins? To the boy the sea was really cool and nothing really rivalled his interest in it.

Kakyoin nodded. "We only have to ask man mom" The boy said, standing up in excitement of doing something fun with his friend. The second Jotaro also stood up he took his hand and dragged him towards where their mothers were talking and drinking tea.

The two mothers were calmly chatting about their sons, sharing details about them. Holly was rather happy her son found someone who really needed a friend to be friends with and it seemed that the two got along extremely well. "It would be lovely if the two boys could have more times to spend with each other" the woman said, thinking of where she could take the two friends.

"If your son likes the aquarium I can take them there, maybe even go swimming with some dolphins" Kakyoin's mother suggested before the boys ran up to the two mothers.

"Mom, can I go with Kakyoin to swim with dolphins?"Jotaro asked, still holding the book about marine life since the redhead allowed him to borrow it. The question made the two woman giggle since the coincidence was pretty funny to them.

Holly was the first to smile and speak. "It's fine with me but you'll have to wait until summer, how about we have a picnic this weekend instead. I'll make the food" She suggested, noticing how her son was doing his best at holding in his excitement.

Both boys happily agreed, Jotaro especially excitement knowing his mom would make her well known pies for it. After a bit more playing he had to leave though, thankfully they would see each other at school again.

Autor note: Heya, I'm so sorry it took so long to update. Due to personal issues and mental health problems I sadly didn't have a lot of time to write. I hope you still like this chapter ^^

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