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New chapter caused by boredom. At 2am. While rust game play videos play in the background. And I worry due to the fact that I have metaphorical piles of schoolwork to complete. Life is good. Anyway enjoy I suppose- Mikasa fanboy

Izuku PoV

I slowly lift my eyelids. The time that passes whilst doing this... it feels like an eternity.. never ending... the pain is too much... the sorrow.. it's... excessive. The first image that I see as the light reflects into my pupils and stings them worse then furious hornets... Todoroki's bleeding and bruised body. Did we fail? Why did we fail? What's happening? The questions were constantly flowing through my mind. The last thing I remember... the endless cacophony created by screams. I simply let a single tear slowly drag itself down my cheek. Scraping along the rough skin. This caused more pain than I could ever imagine a single tear doing. I didn't react at all. I tried to move. Any normal person would pass out from the immense pain that was created from this movement. The bones in my legs were broken... no worse than that. The fibula, tibia and patella were more or less obliterated. Guess they really don't want me to get away. Heh.. that thought made me chuckle. My breathing couldn't have been much worse than it was now. A good 18 to all 24 ribs in my body were fractured or broken.. it's a surprise my lungs weren't punctured, actually. I realise that I was not wearing a shirt while strapped to the chair. I wasn't cold though.. quite the opposite, painstakingly hot in all honesty. I realised why this was. Flames. The flames of someone other than Todoroki had struck me, and they struck me pretty well. I saw the burns all over my body, it's all so painful. Yet still I don't feel like resisting and stopping. In fact I feel alive. The pain caused by movement caused my blood to rush around my body filling it with euphoria. A sort of high in a way. I realised that this pain felt good and immediately regretted trying to move at all due to the fact that now I couldn't stop moving. I created noise. They realised. I got punished. After all the time I thought I felt good from pain I realised it was because of all of the anaesthetic that was in me. My body was so full of anaesthetic that I instead of not feeling pain, felt all of it intensified and yet managed to get pleasure from it.(this may seem stupid but when pain gets too great like beyond broken bone level some people can actually feel good, think of it as very very extreme masochism.) But they must have been in my system for long as just before my punishment came the, euphoric feeling seemed to vanish. The pain literally nearly killed me. I screamed as loud as I can with my lung capacity being what it is. This pain was worse than anything I have ever experienced. I closed my eyes when they walked in to not see the damage they would do to me. I felt the gentle dragging of a knife on my chest. It felt familiar. But soon it was gone. Just as I started cherishing the moment I was cut, just slightly, but the pain was immense. Then another cut, and another, and another, and another. Until they suddenly stopped. I heard the door close behind me. I slowly open my eyes. The word sorry is engraved into my chest. Did she do this? No, she couldn't have. She would be to worried about me, right? She cares about me, right? She loves me, right? The thoughts were agonising.
"M-Mi-Mi-Midoriya. I-it was. Her. Th-the blonde girl."
I look over to Todoroki who is starting to get up. He can barely move anything, never mind his legs. He collapsed.

Time skip like a few months, let's say 4 months. Yeah that sounds good.

It's been months now since we were captured. However the conditions are, slightly better. Me and Todoroki get fed a meal a day instead of two per week. We can actually somewhat talk to each other too, as in the villains and us. They were surprisingly relatable actually. I spoke with toga the most obviously but we weren't allowed anything between us. They should probably look out more if they think that stopped us although we are careful when we do so. The only person that knows is Dabi, but Todoroki and Dabi are somewhat on almost a friendship level actually. Dabi let's toga sneak in sometimes too when he's guarding us. He's actually pretty kind. Although me and toga actually only got back together soon, due to what we refer to as the knife incident. This place almost seems nice actually, and if these people weren't villains then they could actually have a normal life with friends in from the beginning. This capture was the beginning of something. The missing of two young heroes from U.A and secondly, worry. Worry came from all parties everywhere. Concern over what happen to us. Concern to what will happen to people who knew us. Concern over if U.A will be closed down. Concern over who took us. And of course, concern over who was the next target. This final concern caused chaos everywhere. It seemed like the world was going to end due to fighting between humanity, all because of two kids who thought they were tough enough to take on the league of villains. And yet these two kids caused were everyone's concern. Why, you ask? As one of the kids, was the son of endeavour, the number two hero. And the other, people realised his quirk is similar to that of all might, the number one hero. As me and Todoroki realised what our captur has done, we knew we had to escape. And so we planned the escape in 3 weeks. The plan had a possibility of working but we could guarantee it with one thing and acquiring it could cost us the plan or even our lives. That thing was Dabi.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. And I'm trying to release new stuff more consistently by leaving chapters at points that I can continue off of until I can get some inspiration for another part of plot. Anyway this should mean more updates. Probably not. But we'll see. Anyway thank you for reading and also if anyone has any good manga as a recommendation then please comment it as it would be greatly appreciated, goodbye-48 year old Somali male.

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