Chapter 2: Why must he do this?

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Once we finally got to school I got off the bus and went to my locker. As I was walking to my locker I saw my best friend Rebecca. I was so excited to see her since I haven't seen her in two year since she moved to Florida. I was so happy to see her again cause I really missed her. Then Mark came over and hugged her too because he hadn't seen her in a long time either. We got our schedules and headed to class. I had most of my classes with Rebecca and only four classes with Mark.

~skip to lunch~

When I got to the cafeteria I sat down with Rebecca taking out my physics homework this way I could get it done before I went home. While I was looking up something on my phone Mark walked over to us and grabbed my phone. "Mark give me my phone back I need it for my homework." I said slightly annoyed. "No. You'll have to come and get it from me". He knows I hate when he does this but he still does it anyway. Why must he do this? "Mark I really need that back so I can do some of my homework before I get home. Please just give it back to me."As I said this I started to get more annoyed with him.

~Mark's POV~
When I got to the cafeteria I saw Y/N sitting with Rebecca. I have liked Y/N for a while now but I don't want to ruin our friendship. We had been best friends for so long and I don't want to ruin that. She probably just sees me as a friend anyway. Instead of sitting down and having a conversation with them I
decided I wanted to mess with Y/N. I figured the best way to annoy her was to take her phone. Once I got to their table I took her phone and put it above my head so she couldn't reach it. That's when she said "Mark give me my phone back I need it for my homework."  I said "No. You'll have to come and get it." Then she said "Mark I really need that back so I can do some of my homework before I get home. Please just give it back to me." I could tell she was getting annoyed but I didn't really care. She's just so cute when she's mad. I started to walk away as she started walking towards me saying "Give me the phone." She went to go say something else but before she could say anything she tripped. Before she could fall on the ground completely she caught my arm using it to help her steady herself. While she did this I took the time to look at her pretty face. I look at her and thought She's so beautiful.

~back to Y/N's POV~
As I started walking over to Mark asking him for the fourth time to give me my phone back I had tripped. Before I could fall I held onto Marks arm an steadied my self. As I started to regain my balance I glanced at Mark to see him looking at me. I though it was weird but decided not to say anything. As I continued to look at him I realized how nice his eyes were. I never really realized that before now. After a couple of seconds looking at his eyes I started to wonder, was I falling for him? Was I falling for my best friend?

I changed the friends name from Cece to Rebecca so in that chapters I haven't edited it will still be Cece for now until I change it. That's all I needed to say have a good night/day!

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