Chapter 9: It's gonna be alright.

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When you got to the hospital Mark went up to the front desk and said "Can you please help my girlfriend she just got hit in the stomach and she's 4 months pregnant." The lady at the desk called a nurse to come and check on the baby. They brought you a wheel chair and brought you into a room. While the nurse was checking on the baby Mark kept saying to you "It's gonna be alright. Everything's gonna be alright." You still had tears streaming down your face. You were so scared for the health on your baby. Once the nurse was gone checking on the baby she said "I am happy to inform you that the baby will be ok." Once you heard those words you were immediately crying happy tears. You were so relieved and thankful that your baby wasn't hurt. You kept thanking God (sry of you don't believe in God but I do so deal with it) that the baby was ok. The nurse continued and said "You two got VERY lucky. People who are usually at this stage in their pregnancy and get hit as hard as you did usually have a miscarriage. Now I hope you two have a good night." Once she left the room Mark hugged you so tight but not to tight this way he wouldn't hurt you or the baby. You both were crying uncontrollably. Once you were both mostly don't crying you headed home. When you got back to your house you realized that jack was still unconscious by the pond. You told mark "What do we do with jack? He's still by the pond." He said "Let's call the police so he can't do this again. Ok?" You responded with "Yeah that's a good idea."

~after the police came and took jack away~

The police came and took jack away. He's was put in jail for abuse and attempted rape for 10 years. You told your mom and brother that the baby was fine and that every was alright and taken care of with jack. You got changed and went to sleep with Mark after a long stressful day.

Hey I'm sry for being such an ass and not updating for a while but there's been a lot of shit going on in my life good and bad. I also have not been really motivated and have had ALOT of writers block but I'm doing my best and I won't let you guys down. I also don't like when stories are discontinued because it gets me annoyed so I won't do that to y'all. Alright well I gotta got to bed cause it's 1:36 am so PEACE✌🏻

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