Chapter 2: Hotheaded

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Lightning's POV
My car was getting its tires replaced while I was asked questions. I see that mysterious racer everyone keeps talking about, I take off my helmet and walk over to him. "Hey!" he turns around and looks at me. He does look feminine, wonder why? "Hey I'm Lightning McQueen. Great racing, you know, for a young kid." I said scratching the back of my head. I then get punched in the face hard enough that my nose bled. "Dude what's your problem?!" I shout as I held my nose, the press was attracted by the conflict and ran over to where we were at. They started taking photos of what's happening as the racer then grabs my collar and pulls me to his level.

"You disrespected my car! I built that thing but hand, it was a resemblance of my mother's! But you have to go out of your way and disrespect our legacy! I don't even know how you call yourself a racer." he lets go of my collar then punches me in the stomach. I gasp for air as he walks away with the press following him as he sways his hips side to side. Wait what?!

I showed that jerk who's boss. No one disrespects my car and gets away with it! Especially a hotheaded jerk! I walk my way to where the rest of the racers were and wait for the announcement of who won. "We have a three way tie!" my heart broke; I came all this way just to find out I wasn't good enough. My eyes filled with tears as I walked back to my car and drove off back home. I'm sorry mom, I'm sorry I didn't make it. How will I tell grandpa about this? Best to think about this when I get home.

Time skip

I drive back to Radiator Springs and see the and see the sheriff behind the sign sound asleep. I run my engine loud enough for the sheriff to wake up and turn on his siren. "Sorry sheriff, I wanted to come back and say hi." I said as I got out of the car and taking my helmet off and let my (h/c) hair flow. "Y/N! Its been a long time since I've seen you. You've grown. Wait till Doc sees ya now." I giggle a bit at his words "I'll keep that in mind. Maybe I'll see ya at Flow's. Right now I have to get going, I'll see ya later." I said waving before getting back into my car and drive to Sally's motel. I park it and get out to be greeted by a hug.

"Y/N! We haven't see you in ages, you've grown since the last time I saw you." Sally says before letting me breathe. "Thanks Sal but I really need some rest. It's been a long day." she led me to a cone with the number 2 on it. The motel never looked better. I lay down on the bed and shut my eyes and let the darkness take me.

3rd person POV
A red race car came driving down Route 66 waking up the sheriff. "Not in my time you don't." he said before taking chase to the car which began to drive back'n forth like a serpent. The car then drove into traffic cone that made it turn and smash into Y/N's car which made it go flying like a pebble skidding across water. The car was destroyed, which thank god Y/N's a deep sleeper otherwise someone's gonna die.

The crazy car began to destroy the road ruin some of the shops. The car then got itself caught in the power lines while it was wrapped in barb wire. Tomorrow, hell was going to pay.

The next morning

Lightning's POV
I woke up in some type of prison. I look up and see a guy with brown overalls, a hook at his waist, and his brown hair in a small ponytail. "Morn'en sleeping beauty!" "Aah!" "Haha! I was wondering when you were gonna wake up." "Take what ever you want! Just don't hurt me." I try to move my arms but but I couldn't. I look at my wrists and see, handcuffs?! "Handcuffs, why do I have handcuffs on?" "I like you already, my names Mater." I stop struggling "Mater?" "Ya know like to'Mater, but without the ta! What's your name?" "You don't know my name?" "No, no I know name. Is your name Mater too?" what's going on?! "Look I need to get to California as fast as possible, where am I?" "Well, shooooot. You're in Radiator Springs. The cutest little town in carburetor county." "Great, just great." "Well if you like that you should see the rest of the town."

Then an idea popped in my head "You know what I'd love to see the rest of the town. So if can just open the cell, take these handcuffs off, and you and me can check the local scenery." "Dang'gum!" he was just about to just open the cell when the sheriff came in "Mater! What did I say about talking to the inmates?" "To not to." "Now quit your yapping and take the accused to the town courthouse." Mater got his hook out and swung it around. "We'll talk later Mater. Mater Mater that's funny." then I felt something wrap around my waist and hit my butt. I yelped from it and was walked to the courthouse and was met by the town's people yelling at me. Don't they know who I am?

3rd person POV
Y/N woke and looked at the clock on the nightstand on the side of the bed and saw it was between 8 and 12. A knock met her door with Sally on the other end. Y/N gets up, tucks in her hair, and puts on her helmet so she can surprise her grandfather that she made it back. She then opens the door with Sally standing there with a worried face "Before you freak out. It was like that when I woke up." Sally says making Y/N feel uneasy "What was like that?" she before walking outside and seeing her car destroyed.


Over at the courthouse Doc and everyone there heard Y/N screaming. "Oh no." Mater said with fear "Wait what's going on?" McQueen said before the doors open to a woman with blue eyes and hair. "Sorry I'm late your honor." the woman then walks up to Doc with a scared face "What is it this time Sally?" Doc said with concern "Well the good thing is Y/N's back, but her car was destroyed."

Curse warning ⚠️
Everyone looks at McQueen with fear and sympathy. "Who's Y/N?" the doors then were busted off their hinges as Y/N walks in with pure anger. "Alright I wanna know who broke my fucking car! I spent months on it and someone had to fucking destroy it without giving a shit! I swear to god I will murder whoever did it!" Y/N turns to McQueen who's shaking with fear "Why the hell is he here?" she says before she takes her helmet and letting her beautiful features show. McQueen started to blush a little bit at the site before him "He caused the destruction of the road, not to mention some of the shops. It's possible your car was caught in the wreckage as well."

Everyone then takes a step back. Y/N then charges a him and strangles him while the sheriff was holding Y/N back with all his might. "Order in the court!" Doc yelled as the court finally settled down but Y/N was still pissed. "Since you destroyed Y/N's car. You're fixing it, along with the road." Doc said leaving McQueen confused "What?!"

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