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I remade the old outfit, hope you guys like it! Obviously, it's not set in stone, just an idea and it goes along with the description in the chapter.


Though I'd only met Mary a few times, she seemed very sweet. I skimmed through the phonebook and dialed her phone. It rang only once.

"Hello?" She asked. I played with the phone cord, trying to think of how I'd ask her to help me get ready. I wasn't much of a girls girl. I wasn't one to get ready with my friends for boring school dances or host a 7-guest sleepover. I was never that social.

"Hey, Mary," I started. She excitedly spoke again.

"Oh, Y/n! Hey, what's up?" She asked me, a light laugh reaching through the phone. I looked up in thought.

"Uh, well, Peter kind of asked me out, and I was wondering if you could help me get ready. This isn't really something I've done before," I told her. I wasn't lying. I'd never been on a date. I'd never gone out and done something like this.

"Of course! I'll be right there!"

I grinned and said thank you before putting the phone back. My mom knocked on my door shortly after. I opened it. She was ready for work.

"I'll see you later," she said, waving lazily. I nodded and watched her sleepily walk down the stairs. She must have woken up late and rushed. She did that quite often. Not that it bothered me, any. I just hated to see her struggle like she had been.


The doorbell rang loudly. I sprang up from my spot on the couch, my book falling to the floor. I didn't bother picking it up.

Mary stood on my porch with a bag in her hand. I motioned for her to come in and upstairs, where we would pick out clothes and such for me to wear. She sat down on my bed and emptied her bag. A few various cosmetics fell out, as well as an article of clothing or two.

"Alright, I brought you some nice stuff to try on, but if you have anything, I wanna see!" She said excitedly. I glanced down at the makeup on my bed. I'd never worn any before. Mary held up some stuff, and yeah, they were nice, but not my first choice. I walked over to my dresser. In the bottom drawer was a bunch of clothes that a cousin bought me one time when she visited.

Mary rummaged through the pile, a smirk forming on her face. She held up a white sundress. It was nice and uncomplicated. I think I'd be okay with that.

"Look! It's plain and simple, which seems to be your speed. I think this will look really nice on you," she said, tossing it to me. I nodded and stepped into the bathroom to change. She was right. I did kind of look nice. Pretty, even. This was new.

I drew the line when she tried to get me to wear heels. Like she said, plain and simple was my speed. I slipped on the same (relatively clean) red Converse that I wore all the time. I needed to keep my flair, you know?

"Do you wanna try some makeup? Something casual, of course," she asked, holding up a palette of various shades of brown. I think I could manage. I sat down beside her as she carefully swirled a fluffy brush on one of the colors. I shut my eyes tightly as she brought the brush up to my face.

"Don't squint! You'll get lines," she laughed. I relaxed my eyes and the brush flickered over my eyelid. It felt weird. When she pulled the brush away, I opened my eyes and looked into the little compact she held in her palm. It was a really subtle look, but I definitely looked a little different.

Mary opened a tube of mascara. It looked expensive. I held my eyes open, trying not to blink. She looked so focused. She drew her hand away. Once more, I looked into the compact. Different.

"Okay, will you try lipstick?" she asked. I shook my head. No. Way.

"Lip gloss?"

I shook my head again. She let out a playful sigh.


I nodded, giggling. Mary handed me a tube. I looked at the clock. I had half an hour.

"There we go. I think a necklace would look perfect with this! And maybe some small earrings," she suggested. I walked over to my jewelry box. She followed. I felt comfortable with her. She was chill. And funny.

"Here," she held up a short silver necklace with pearls. She also dropped a pair of small star-shaped studs into my open hand. Now I felt ready. I hope I'm not overdressed.

"Good luck!" Mary called down the sidewalk. She turned down the other street, and I was left alone. The theater wasn't too far from my house. But, come to think of it, I didn't know what movie we were going to see. I guess I'd find out when we got there.

Peter was sitting down on a bench just outside the entrance. He stood when he saw me coming. He wore clean-cut jeans and a flannel, which I'd never seen him wear. I smiled from across the sidewalk. He looked so well put together.

"Hey," I said. He smiled and held out a ticket.

"You look really p-pretty," he stuttered out. I laughed quietly and took his hand.


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