Day 12

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I'm back! Hello! Welcome to day 12! The intro is gonna be short and sweet because everyone is desperately waiting to see day 12's picture!

I'm back! Hello! Welcome to day 12! The intro is gonna be short and sweet because everyone is desperately waiting to see day 12's picture!

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Today's question is:
Song that gets stuck in my head...

This song...gets stuck in my head...EVERY SINGLE TIME! And that song is...

Do Your Thing

Every. Single. Time. Plus...Erika's growl during "the monster inside needs to be released".....IS LIFE CHANGING.

Sorry...I just have a lot of passion for amazing performances. But's beautiful.

The other song I get stuck in my head all the time (because you better believe there is more than one), is definitely I See Stars...

Also, can we talk about how BEAUTIFUL this song is?! I've hear it countless times and yet....I STILL CRY. Straight up. Sobbing.


I can't help it!

Anyway, see everyone tomorrow.

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