Chapter Three: The Defense of Strahnbrad

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A raven flew over Azeroth. It passed over barren lands. Then the frozen north, and finally arrived in the Capital City of Lordaeron. The palace loomed over the green lands around it. A wondrous city of many people of all kinds, hopes, and dreams, the jewel of humanity, the largest city in the world. The raven saw a hive of ants. They were completely unaware of what was happening. And what would happen?

Prince Arthas Menethil, tall with long blonde hair, and broad of shoulder, observed the meeting of the Alliance. Not they knew he was here. He was watching from a secret room which allowed him to peer through to see and heard all within it. Father was looking very tired indeed as he listened to the Alliance council arguing. He felt the pangs of sympathy and found himself almost looking forward to the day when he would rule. At least then Father would not have to be burdened with this council.

'We've received reports that the orcs are regrouping.' said a member of the Alliance Council.

'Certainly, the recent attacks against the internment camps are evidence enough.' agreed another.

'Agreed, the Horde is on the move.' Three statements to accomplish one sentence's worth of effect.

'This is absurd,' said yet another, without giving his father time to speak. 'My nation will not stand by and watch as the horde masses on our very doorstep.' Make that four statements.

'The orcs are not our primary concern here.' said Lord Antonidas. 'How many times must I repeat myself. King Terenas, you must heed my warning. This plague which has gripped the northlands could have dire ramifications.' The man acted as though King Terenas was a simpleton to be guided by an omnipresent council of wizards. Not the head of the Alliance.

'Plague?' said another. 'You wizards are just being paranoid!' As if it was their nation at stake.

Murmurings broke out amongst the various heads of state. As those murmurings continued, a raven flew into the hall. It circled twice around, and landed upon the floor, before beginning to pick at the fine tile stones. Only Father saw it, the others were completely unaware of its presence.

'Let's keep all this in perspective.' said another. 'Even if this "plague" does pose a threat to us, what are you proposing that we do?' asked another ambassador, seeking to cut his Father out of the loop.

'It is simple.' saidAntonidas. 'The Kirin Tor is prepared to place the villages in the region under strict quarantine.'

Arthas felt a surge of contempt, that this man should seek to dictate policy for an entire nation. King Terenas had kept the borders of Lordaeron secure for years. He'd done it through close relationships with monarchs in neighboring lands. They had been his peers, his friends. Now though the Alliance had held, his friendships had drifted apart.

Now the rest of the Alliance practically treated Lordaeron almost as a subject realm. Arthas was ready to make an entrance into this matter, but Father had had enough as well.

'I will not institute quarantine without proof of your claims!' he proclaimed, voice regaining some measure of authority. 'The people of Lordaeron have suffered enough, without becoming Prisoners in their own lands.' The Alliance council fell silent.

At this moment the raven was veiled in green mist, and transformed into a man. He wore a red cloak that flowed around him and held in his hand a gnarled staff. Arthas blinked in surprise. This was new.

'Yet prisoners they are, good king.' said the man.

'What is the meaning of this?' asked King Terenas. 'Who are you?'

'Humanity is in peril!' proclaimed the Prophet, looking up to the Alliance. 'The tides of darkness have come again, and the whole world is poised on the brink of war!' Well, this entertaining. Not actually telling them anything they didn't already know, but entertaining.

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