Chapter Five: Jaina's Meeting

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Two weeks later, the badge gleamed before Marwynn in Arthas' hand. The soldier remained silent for a few long moments. He strove to speak, and after a time, he succeeded.

'I don't deserve this, my liege.' said Marwynn.

'Marwynn,' laughed Arthas, 'you've been due for a commission since the Second War ended. Normal infantry work is too good for you at this stage. You've earned a command.'

'But as the commander of the Hearthglen Guard?' asked Marwynn. 'I... its more than I ever expected to achieve.'

'You'll do fine.' Arthur reassured him. 'Your only task is to keep the villages safe until relief forces arrive. And to train the militia into something worthwhile.'

'I would prefer to remain in your service, my Lord.' said Marwynn.

Arthas sighed. 'And so would I. But the fact is that I can't just think of myself. I'm a Prince. The areas north of here lacks proper military coordination. They need someone who can keep things working, and you're the best soldier I know besides Falric. Its either you or pick some unseasoned noble, who will probably just take the paycheck and never show up.' He paused.

'I'll tell you what, I'm going to be embarking on a new mission in a few weeks to investigate this... plague. I'll be stopping by Hearthglen at some point during it. If things aren't working out, and you feel its not a fit, then just tell me then, and I'll arrange for you to be reassigned. Is that acceptable?'

'I... I accept then.' said Marwynn, taking the badge. 'Thank you, my Prince.'

'You can thank me when we meet again.' said Arthas. 'I've had a horse put aside so you can get there swiftly and take up your duties. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to meet with Uther.' The two friends shook hands and parted ways.

Marwynn mounted a horse and rode out towards Hearthglen. For his part, Arthas made his way to the tent where Uther was waiting within, at a table where he was making plans.

The old paladin looked up, seeming very tired. 'Ah, Arthas, I'm glad your here. I've received word from King Terenas. You've been assigned to escort Princess Proudmoore. She is leading an investigation into the plague.'

'She prefers to be called Jaina,' replied Arthas, wincing at the title and the memory of their time together, 'but yes. I'm looking forward to seeing her again.' He paused as he wondered if he had spoken too openly.

'Then at least there is some good news.' said Uther, before motioning to the black-haired man who was with him. 'This is Sir Gavinrad the Dire, I believe you've heard of him.'

'Uther has told me all about you.' said Arthas. 'It's a pleasure to meet you.' He shook Gavinrad's hand.

'Uther has told me of your exploits against the orcs. I congratulate you on your successful victory.' said Gavinrad with a polite nod. 'Unfortunately, the pleasure will be somewhat lessened when I'm done, I'm afraid. For I'm here to brief you on what we've learned of the plague through trial and error. It's been my assignment to find a cure, and we've had no luck.'

'Can you not use the light to heal it?' asked Arthas.

Gavinrad shook his head. 'Alas, no, the light seems to cause only suffering to those who are infected. Several of the worst cases have actually killed the subjects. It originated in the northlands, and we have no idea how it spread. You will have your work cut out for you, young paladin.'

'I'll do all I can to bring this plague to an end.' promised Arthas.

'Good,' said Uther, 'take your task seriously lad.' He paused. 'In all honesty I don't think this is the best of times to become reacquainted with Lady Proudmoore. This will be a dark bit of business.'

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