Chapter Nineteen: The Light which Burns Twice as Bright

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Malygos paced back and forth within the heart of his power, awaiting the return of his flight. He did not need to see them flying low between the cliffs to know the result of their mission. It had been a narrow failure, halted only by the intervention of the Frostwyrms. As he paced, the blue dragons landed before them, fewer in number than before.

'Lord Malygos,' said their leader, 'you tasked us with averting the darkness by slaying the Prince of Lordaeron. Yet we have failed.' He bowed his head.

'You slew many Frostwyrms in the attempt to complete your task.' stated Malygos. 'That alone is being of some service. Events have now gone beyond our control. The plan my sisters have vested the fate of this world in will now proceed.

'This is something we must accept.

'However, there are other opportunities to be exploited. The Prince of Lordaeron has left intact an army which had dealt the undead a terrible defeat. They have created allies amongst the ice trolls and ogres. If properly directed they could prove a deadly threat to the scourge of Northrend.

'Gather the flight, I have a meeting to attend.'

The meeting was gathered together. Falric and Marwynn stood on one side of the camp, on the other side the ogre and troll chieftains, under Zul'amon. Faldine had been sent by Luc Valonforth to take his place. Valonforth was currently dealing with a minor incursion by the undead.

'Why do we be calling this meeting, Falric?' asked Zul'amon.

'Prince Arthas gathered us under one banner.' said Falric. 'And through his guidance, we have gained many great victories against the scourge. It is my desire that we continue to cooperate so that when we are recalled from this land, the undead will not retake it.'

'That be making sense to me.' said Zul'amon. 'I and me chieftains be your allies in this fight. Together we be tearing the walking dead to pieces.'

'Pink skins fight well.' said Bundush. 'Ogres fight with pink skins to crush weak dead!'

'...If it means keeping the colony safe,' said Faldine, 'I'm willing to work with them. Valonforth sent me to agree here. We'll cooperate-'

'And my flights and all their resources are at your disposal.' said another voice from everywhere and nowhere. They looked around for its source. There was a flash of lightning, and a man stood between them. His hair was white as snow, and he had a beard, yet his eyes were ancient.

Around him, blue dragons flew from nowhere. They circled around him like a cloud. They numbered in the thousands as they landed around them. Falric stared at the man before him, who approached them as they drew closer on instinct.

'I am Malygos!' said the man. 'The Spellweaver! Lord of the Blue Dragon Flight, Dragon Aspect and Master of all Magic!' He put out one hand. It crackled with lightning that shot down from the stormy skies. The light illuminated the whole of the world in its radiance. 'And we have much work to do!'

It was so utterly dramatic that no one even questioned it.

Within the great hall of the castle of Prince Arthas' base camp, Malygos met with the leaders of the Alliance. Zul'amon was glaring daggers at the dragon the whole time. Marwynn didn't understand why. Meanwhile, Faldine was glaring daggers at Zul'amon. Malygos paid no one any real heed, instead, speaking to them in a general sense. He had an aura of power which was almost visible. It seemed to crackle around him and made you want to listen to him.

Marwynn did not like how everyone, himself included, was treating this man as their leader. Even Zul'amon seemed to yield authority to him, though he hated every second of it. Just looking at Malygos made you think of him as some high lord who knew better than you. Someone who you should listen to for your own good.

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