Chapter Eighteen: Farewells

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The smell of death was in the air. The bodies of thousands upon thousands of people were lying around. Never, not even in the height of the Second War, had Falric seen such carnage.

But he had no time for that. Falric had more pressing matters to attend to. 'Get the wounded to the priests! Pile the undead into mounds and burn them. Then get our own men ready for cremation. We'll hold a service later.'

'We should bury them.' said Marwynn. 'They've earned that much.'

'We're in the heart of darkness, Marwynn.' said Falric. 'We cannot afford to give the undead more soldiers. Burn them.'

At that moment the gryphon riders from before descended and dismounted. Their leader came forward, a tattoed, gruff looking fellow wearing a battered helmet. 'Well, that was quite a bloody fight. Lost a couple of good men I did. I'm Kraltos Hammersmash of the Wildhammer Dwarves.' He offered his hand and Falric took it. Then his gaze fell on Zul'amon and an ogre chieftain who walked up behind him. 'Whats his kind doing here?'

'Zul'amon and his allies have come to our assistance.' said Falric. 'We have made common cause against the undead. I realize that you may have a problem with this, however, for the moment I ask that you stay your wrath.

For now, I must thank you gentlemen, for your assistance. Without it, our casualties might have been far higher.'

'King Terenas dispatched us to help you how we could.' said Kraltos, still eyeing the trolls and ogres. 'You can thank me by giving me a private meeting away from these others, there are things you should know, lad.' Lad was a general term applied by dwarves to any adult male human. Shorter lifespans were a bitch.

'Before we do anything of the sort,' said Falric, 'we must find Prince Arthas. He arrived and defeated an undead army by himself, before running off into the snows. He is not well. Take your gryphons and scour the area for any sign of him. He is holding a powerful Runeblade.'

'Why are you giving the commands?' asked Kraltos. 'Shouldn't Prince Muradin be in command?'

'Prince Muradin is...' Falric breathed. 'Prince Muradin is dead. Prince Arthas told me himself. They went seeking a runeblade called Frostmourne of terrible power. I saw him use it to annihilate an entire undead army. Yet... ever since he got back Arthas has not been the same.

'He charged off into the wilderness and hasn't been heard from since.'

'I can be helping,' said Zul'amon, 'some of me scouts saw him annihilate an undead outpost. buildings and all with that sword. When the blizzard hit and we had to go indoors, your Prince was headed dead towards Drak'theron Keep.'

The name sent a chill through Falric. 'What is this Drak'theron Keep?'

'It be the capital of Mal'ganis' kingdom.' said Zul'amon. 'No one who ever goes there comes back. Sometimes the dreadlord be shipping slaves in to torment to death. Elves, humans, dwarves, none of em come back out. Yet their screams be echoing across the lands.'

'Can you lead us there?' asked Falric.

'I can,' said Zul'amon, 'but my trolls don't want to be assaulting that place.'

'Damn it, we have the undead on the run!' snapped Falric. 'We will never get a better chance to take out their main stronghold than now! If we wait a week to regroup the enemy will have gathered more undead!'

'Falric,' said Marwynn, 'we barely scraped by a victory. We-'

'Prince Arthas left me in command,' said Falric, 'I'm taking the knights, and mortar crews and going to lay siege to it. You will remain here and secure the fortress. Call up Faldine from the colony to secure the defenses.'

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