Chapter Twelve: The Calm before the Storm

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It was a great hall lit by torches that never burned out, with a round table at the center. The center of the table was an open circle. Within it was a roaring fire pit which brought warmth to the freezing days. Blue banners bearing the symbols of the Alliance member nations were on the walls. Several boxes of winter supplies had been stored here and had not yet been cleared away. It was here that Arthas and his command staff met to decide matters.

They began the meeting by recounting everything which had happened. Muradin remained silent and stoic, listening. Luc looked more and more horrified as events proceeded.

' family lives in Hearthglen.' said Luc after Arthas finished describing events.

'They may have moved elsewhere.' said Marwynn, looking disturbed and sympathetic. 'I don't think I met anyone named Valonforth while I was there.' It was a small hope, but it was something.

Arthas continued his story, leaving out nothing. Though he somewhat abbreviated the culling of Stratholme. When he had finally completed his story, Muradin and Luc looked at him in a new light. There was utter silence for a few moments.

'Damn boy,' said Muradin, 'you've been through hell. As soon as we're done with our business here, I promise you I'll help you sort this mess out.'

'Thank you Muradin,' said Arthas, 'but in truth, our cause is best served here. Lordaeron is secure for now, but so long as Mal'ganis remains alive that security is but an illusion. Once he is dead, the scourge will lose direction, and we will be able to destroy them little by little. Until that time, his ability to use the dead against us allows him to muster limitless forces.'

'Still, he seems to want you here doesn't he?' asked Muradin. 'Why?'

'He wants to eliminate a serious threat to his plans on his home field.' said Arthas. 'Or at least that is my belief.' As he said this his mind returned to his meeting with Jaina, how she had said it sounded like a trap. Perhaps she was right.

'Well whatever the case, that doesn't answer any of my questions.' said Marwynn 'I've been talking with some of the colonists here. Many of them were grabbed from their beds and shipped here. Others were arrested without cause and sent off without trial.

'Most of them were from Stromgarde and Gilneas, but there are a few who were from Stormwind and Khaz Modan. No one from Alterac of course, I don't think this place existed when Alterac was still a Kingdom.

'With all due respect, my Prince, what the hell is going on here? Why does this place exist, and why isn't it on any records?'

This was the part Arthas had been dreading for some time now. He swallowed his pride and spoke: 'Do you remember that tour of sorts we took through the northlands? We fought many bandits, slew Searinox, saved a child from gnolls and made a name for ourselves?'

'Yes, I do.' said Marwynn 'It was fun, but I don't see what it has to do with anything?'

'I got myself sidetracked on that mission because I wanted to make a name for myself.' said Arthas. 'I wanted to prove that I was more than some pampered Prince. So I wouldn't feel like someone given the title of paladin for political reasons. Well, I succeeded. But after that, it still wasn't enough. I found myself ill at ease with my duties in court. I realized that now I was being considered a worthy successor to my Father and Uther.

'I didn't feel like I deserved even that, and I wanted to do more than be a worthwhile successor, I wanted to exceed them. I wanted to do something they had never done.

'So I arranged an expedition to Northrend. Luc Valonheart was the captain I choose to command it since he'd had experience in Khaz Modan. Everyone told me that I was a fool. That Northrend was dangerous, that there was nothing worthwhile to be had.

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