The Incursion

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[On the scene we see AMY get out of the vehicle]


AMY: Well. Look at that.


AMY: The tower is unguarded.

HAROLDSON: Isn't that strange to you?


AMY: Yeah.

HAROLDSON: So we are just waltzing right in there?!

[AMY charges gun]

AMY: Any other ideas?

[HAROLDSON takes out pistol from his holster]


[We then see AMY move behind a tree. Soon after we see HAROLDSON go into cover beyond her. AMY then moves forward to cover. AMY looks back at HAROLDSON]

AMY: [Whispers] Move to the gate!

[HAROLDSON then goes to the gate quietly and peaks through the bars. We see a whole bunch of guards looking around the area]

AMY: [Whispers] WHAT DO YOU SEE?!

[HAROLDSON goes back to AMY]

HAROLDSON: [Whispers] I see a lot of guards! Really closing off the area!

AMY: We'll we need a distraction.

[The scene then changes to HAROLDSON lighting a match. He puts the tree on fire. We then see a fire getting higher and higher. AMY and HAROLDSON scrambles from the area. The scene will then go to a guard looking at the fire]

GUARD: There is a fire over the wall! Go check it out!

[We see half the guards open the gate and go to the fire. HAROLDSON and Amy then quickly goes beyond the gate and then hides behind the cover. We see a guard pass by the cover as they are shoulder by shoulder]

AMY: [Whispers] Ok...on three...we move to cover. One...Two...Three!

[HAROLDSON and AMY quickly goes to cover]

HAROLDSON: [Whispers] So how exactly do we do to find the Master?

AMY: [Whispers] Go into the large building.

[HAROLDSON holds his head in pain]

ANONYMOUS (V.O): [Distorted] Be...mine.

HAROLDSON: [Grunts] Anonymous...

[AMY moves quick by the building]

AMY: [Whispers] COME ON!!!

[HAROLDSON gets up quickly and goes by the building]

HAROLDSON: Anonymous is inside...

AMY: How do you know?

HAROLDSON: I can feel it.

[AMY opens the door slowly and they quickly get inside the building. They then shut it silently. After they then get their guns out and then moves inward. As they move we see the hall lights barely on and abandoned rooms. We hear water droplets in the background. HAROLDSON and AMY will eventually reach a door]

AMY: On three.

[Cut scenes of HAROLDSON being interrogated with water splashing]

AMY (V.O): One...Two...

[Cut scenes end. AMY backs up]


[The door breaks down. HAROLDSON and AMY move in different directions. We then see only ANONYMOUS stand there as AMY and HAROLDSON point guns at him]

HAROLDSON: Anonymous...

ANONYMOUS: I am afraid the master couldn't make. are welcome!

HAROLDSON: [Angry] I am going to kill you!!

[HAROLDSON charges and tackles ANONYMOUS]

AMY (V.O): Legend!

ANONYMOUS: I must confess that this was the work for a master! Ironic isn't it?

HAROLDSON: You sick ass!

[HAROLDSON tries to punch ANONYMOUS but ANONYMOUS blocks him]

ANONYMOUS: Legend. Is that a tear I see? I thought legends should be fearless?

HAROLDSON: I was a mistake remember?

[Cut scenes]

ANONYMOUS (V.O): Oh! Just lost my train of thought for a second that is all.

AMY (V.O): I got you legend...

ANONYMOUS (V.O): What ever you say colonel.

[Goes back to original picture]

[ANONYMOUS throws HAROLDSON off. He then aims at AMY when he takes out his pisto]


[HAROLDSON gets up and charges]


[Shot an be heard. Everything whites out. HAROLDSON breathes heavily]

AMY (V.O): I see no way around this.

HAROLDSON (V.O): Well...I do!

[HAROLDSON is dragging AMY]

AMY (V.O): [Distorted] What?! What exactly are you going to do?!

HAROLDSON (V.O): Something from training!

AMY (V.O): [Distorted] No legend!

[HAROLDSON gets shot]

ANONYMOUS (V.O): Sacrifice...? Not a wise choice, my boy...

[Picture slowly fades in. We then hear and see ANONYMOUS clap]

ANONYMOUS: Bravo. Bravo. But you know? You actually made my job a lot more entertaining.

[Goes back to when HAROLDSON is charging. ANONYMOUS drops the gun and hits HAROLDSON]

ANONYMOUS: A few more moments with you...and you can finally be in my control.

[HAROLDSON looks at AMY as AMY looks at HAROLDSON. We then see ANONYMOUS]

HAROLDSON: What are you doing Amy?! RUN!!!

[AMY surrenders]


AMY: You'd do it for me...

[ANONYMOUS laughs]

ANONYMOUS: Welcome to Warzertia my friends.

[A guards goes by AMY. ANONYMOUS picks up pistol]

ANONYMOUS: The World of Nightmares.

[ANONYMOUS slaps AMY with the gun. Blacks out]

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