Chapter 8 - The Great Battle

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They were staring at the gate looking into the horizon trying to spot the attackers, the soldiers eager to battle, the Jade creature full of hatred, the commander fulled by rage. The Jade Creature couldn't stop thinking about the conversation he had with commander, how he could let all his emotions out in a conversation with a person he barely knew, he couldn't understand it but he casted it aside as he needed to stay focused in battle, not for his own sake but for the people around him.
The attackers were now too close for comfort and the commander rallied the troops, all the Vikings and the Jade Creature ran up and started to fight.
The Jade Creature speared 3 men in the throat and tossed them to the ground. He tripped up and beheaded another. He threw his spear at a group resulting in 4 people being impalled. However this battle wasn't just fought with weapons, the enemy had a contraption, almost like a bulldozer, a gargantuan force to be reckoned with, and it was getting closer. The men were too busy to do anything about it so the Jade creature called upon the commander to help him destroy it before it could take down the gate.
The commander and the Jade creature climbed up the machine, the enemy also too busy to notice them, and made it to the top. However they weren't happy with what they saw. 2 men, 2 giant men standing there, the Jade creature standing at nearly 7 feet tall was dwarfed by them, and so was the commander who himself was a good 6 foot 8. They knew they had to fight them, quickly and unexpectedly one of them jumped at the commander moving him out of the Jade creatures sight and leaving him to duel with the second one.

"I know you, your him, the saviour of the land, I always hoped that one day I could get a chance to kill you and hang you up on my wall" said the man.

"What have I ever done to you, I've done nothing but protect the innocent, well, I guess there always someone who hates you" said the Jade creature.

"It's time for K'tano to get some blood on his hands" he shouted

Not soon after they broke out into a massive duel, K'tano throwing the first punch which was quickly dodged by the Jade creature after which he too threw a strike of his own landing right in the face of K'tano. In a blind rage K'tano grabbed the Jade creature by the neck with both of his hands and threw him to the ground, throwing a punch right after and connecting on the Jade creatures face, which to his demise completely destroyed his hand and didn't damage the Jade creature at all.

"That's right, you cannot do anything against me, I am immortal you pathetic fool, you cannot kill me, try and you will only fail."

Shouted the Jade creature. He then delivered a finishing blow, getting K'tano on his knees and crushing his skull with his bare hands. After which he turned around and saw the commander behead the other one with his axe.

"Are you ok?" Asked the Jade creature breathlessly

"Yeah, he hit me a few times, but I'm alright." Said the commander also short of breath.

"Let's get back down there......" said the Jade creature before pausing and looking into the distance and seeing something he wished not to see.

In the distance there were cannons that the enemy were loading with fireballs and launching them onto the other Viking and their own troops carelessly.

"We have to take them out, we can't suffer too many casualty's if we want to defend this place." Shouted the commander.

"Got a plan?" Asked the Jade creature.

The commander looked around for a second before turning around and signalling the Jade creature to follow him. They climbed down from the ram and set it on fire with some torches that were hung up on the sides of the path. The commander then took that Jade creature to some higher tower that were pocketed further away from the troops but closer to the catapults.

"Here what's gonna happen, I'll stay up here and distract the enemy from here, I figured you would have the strength to turn those catapults around and fire them." Explained the commander

"Alright, I can do that, what are you going to do  to distract them." Asked the Jade creature.

"I'll use the bow and the throwing axes, there's enough there to last a few minutes."

The Jade creature then climbed down and ran towards the catapults, the commander was joined by about 6 archers that helped him distract the enemy's near the catapults. The Jade creature ran down the hill, making sure the enemy didn't see him. The kept up behind them and began to try and turn the catapults, it was difficult, and he had to use every last ounce of his strength to try and lift it but he managed,   and not long after he cut the ropes and fired off the ammo that was in them. The enemy turned around and noticed their mistake before thy were shot down by the commander and his archers. The commander came down and commended the jade creature for his strength.

"Let's get back to the field, the troops will probably need our help to pick off the rest of the enemy." Said the commander.

The Jade creature and the commander ran back to the troops and cleared out the rest of the attackers, the Jade creature killing many of them. The troops cheered Valhalla in victory and the battle was finally over.

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