Chapter 12 - The Hunt

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Glamdrog has lied, everything he told the Jade creature was a lie, he probably only knew about the entrance at the samurai fortress because he had previously been there.
All those people that the Jade creature and his men needlessly killed, all the families they had destroyed. The Jade creature fell to his knees, and at the brink of madness he looked up to the roof.

"WHY!!!" He shouted "WHY ME?" He pleaded "All those years of slaughter, LEAD ME TO THIS?!!!" He screamed with tears in his eyes. All the hardship he had caused, all the men that died for the kingdom, all the peoples lives he had ruined, were for nothing. The Jade creature had a new mission. Find, and kill, Glamdrog.

The Jade creature stormed to the generals meeting room where Bjorik also was.
"Glamdrog lied, there is no future world he came from, this was just an elaborate plan to destroy the samurai." The Jade creature explained with tears still running down his face. Bjorik tried to contain himself but put his arms on the table and nearly vomited, the other generals were also shocked.

"It can't be"
"This is impossible."
"TRAITOR!!" The generals and Bjorik exclaimed, for words could only do so much, to ease the pain caused by such a thing.

"I will find him, bring him back, and we will make him beg to god that he were never born."
Said the Jade creature making a bold statement that no one would take as a joke.

"Yes brother." Said Bjorik "You have to do this, it's the only way we can make things right." Bjorik said with his hands on the Jade creatures shoulders.

The Jade creature nodded and left the room, wiping the tears from his face, trying to pull himself together. He needed a team to take with him to try and find Glamdrog, he couldn't track him on his own.

"Valor, Kirin, Curtis" the Jade creature shouted as the men stood up.

"Yes sir" they chanted.

"As you may have heard, Glamdrog is a traitor, and I want to find him, so that the kingdom can make him pay, I want you all to come with me." The Jade creature explained.

"Absolutely sir, we are at your service." Valor said on the groups behalf.

"Pack your things, were going to be away for a long time." The Jade creature emphasised.

The next day the Jade creature took the men and they began the search for where Glamdrog could've went, they began in his hut.
The entered his hit and began to search the place, Glamdrog had many paintings and draw rings on the walls that he supposedly drew himself.

"What could all these be." Asked Curtis

"Maybe just some loner trying to find a hobbie." Said Kirin.

"Search around there might be some answers to where he could have went." Said the Jade creature. They searched for a few limited until.

"Hey boss, I found something under this table." Kirin said as he pulled up a letter.

The gave it to the Jade creature and he read it out aloud.

"Glamdrog, this is the Red Knight King speaking, we have confirmed the desolation of the samurai and we are ready for your arrival, your reward awaits." The Jade creature read.

"This was the Red Knights doing, no it can't be they've not been at war for years what would have have with the samurai?" Asked Valor.

"It doesn't matter, we know that Glamdrog is at their base, we just need to go and get him." Said Curtis.

The Red Knights were a group of soldiers that were known for their red attire and their inability to talk to outsiders for an unknown reason, they were not known for being violent nor were they known for raids, they were sometimes even considered neutral to some groups.

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