Chapter 9 - Preparation

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"I owe you a life debt for what you've done today, my men are grateful, how can we ever repay you?" Asked the commander.

"We need to attack the samurai, they plan to kill many more in the future, many more important people." Said the Jade creature.

"Absolutely, we'll fight with you and your men, the samurai deserve what's coming to them." Said the commander finishing off with a yell of excitement.

"One more thing" the Jade creature said as the commander started the return to the fortress."I didn't get your name." Said the Jade creature with a sprinkle of humour in his voice.

"Ha, it's Bjorik, and yours?" He asked

"I don't have one, call me whatever you wish." Said the Jade creature

The men then walked away and the Jade creature gathered his team of soldiers that came with him to help the Vikings, he rounded them up and began the journey home. The plan now was to meet up with the Vikings at a secret location near the samurai fortress and attack them when they least expected it.
The walk was long, tough, excruciatingly painful and dangerous, it took longer than it did before because the soldiers had to carry wounded and they themselves were extremely tired for the battle. They would have plenty of time to regather their strength back at the kingdom but they had to work to get there.
The Jade creature originally planned to go straight to the samurai fortress, but decided that the men were too exhausted to go any damage. The new plan was to go back home and heal up, then rally with the Vikings at the entrance of the fortress.

They made it back to the kingdom and the Jade creature went to speak with the generals.

"The Vikings are fine, they'll help us take down the samurai when we go for the battle." The Jade creature said as he stormed into the room not caring for what the other generals were taking about.

"This is amazing, with the Vikings by our side
our kingdom will be one of the most powerful there has ever been, when are you leaving for the samurai?" Asked the general with excitement in his voice

"2 days, we need to change platoons, the men I took with me are wounded and exhausted, they need rest, the 8th legion will do." Explained the Jade creature.

"Very well, we'll have them ready for you as soon as possible. And one more thing, I received intelligence from one of our spies that the samurai are aware of our intentions, the word must have spread somehow, either way their going to know your coming." The general explained with fear.

The Jade creature stood for a sec and looked to the floor. He then looked back at the general and stated.....

"Then let them know, let them prepare for deaths grace, and let us all thrive in victory over that scum, if this means the future of the world will be safe, then we'll give them a fight they will never forget!!" The Jade creature shouted as ever man in the room began to cheer. The battle awaited, and the Jade creature was ready to see what would happen.
Before though he wanted to speak to Glamdrog again, he had a few more questions he wanted to ask him before he left.

The Jade creature walked into Glamdrogs room that the council gave him to stay in, he saw him standing in the back next to his bed.

"Have a minute?" Asked the Jade creature.

"Absolutely, a man of your honour can come in any time." He said with joy and excitement

"I have a few questions I would like to ask you before the last battle." The Jade creature explained.

"Go ahead" said Glamdrog.

"If we do this and the fighting is over, what happens to you?. Because you don't seem to have anything you can use to return to your time period." Ask the Jade creature.

"I will disappear, the timeline where I go back in time will disappear, assuming that the world got rid of Bloodhound." Explained Glamdrog.

The Jade creature surprised but also intrigued nods and asks his next question.

"I don't want to have a lot of casualty's, do you have any knowledge on how we can attack the base to minimise these." He asked

"Yes, I do, the river that leads past the fortress goes underneath it for a few meters, if you go underneath that you can break through the floor with the possibility of no one seeing you, then, when your in, destroy the monument that sits in the middle of the city, that'll give them a nice shock to go with the battle, have 2 teams, a small one that goes in and the other one will break through the gate." Said Glamdrog as if he had planned for the Jade creature to arrive at his house.

"Thank you, if what you've said is correct, you will have prevented the deaths of many men, if the samurais determination is dwindled by shock, that'll make them lower their guard in fear." Said the Jade creature as he stood up and held his hand out. He shook hands with Glamdrog and left the building. It was time for him to speak to the platoon.

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