A preface:

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       This collection. This garden of flowers. Each piece will be uniquely beautiful I hope. The purpose is to hopefully put out some positive energy out and about. I don't plan or even expect this collective to do well or gain tons of popularity. I honestly don't think I'll even market it. Each poem will come from the heart. I have laughed, cried, and felt a range of emotions writing up these flowers. I hope those who read this find some semblance of joy in each flower.

     Updates for new poems will be whenever inspiration hits me like a truck. So there may be weeks without a new flower. Or maybe even days. This book will just be as free as the verses within it. I do hope those who stumble across this garden enjoy each flower as I have.

        This is creative work from my mind; every poem being crafted by me. I will say its okay to share my work while sourcing me. But as a creative don't steal my work. Kindly and appropriately appreciate art without wrongful appropriation! I'm protective over my garden. Without further ado, I grant you access.

     The first flower will bloom in moments.

Sunrise or Sunset; The Garden of HugsWhere stories live. Discover now