Lonicera japonica

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Home; the place that never leaves you.

 A comfort both found and created.

 Tired and weary, best take it home.

 Lost and not found, take it home.

Heart Earthly bound and soul loyal to the beyond.

 Home is where they meet.

 Home is where they find peace.

 Not the home where a head is laid after a long day.

 But the emotional home.

 Yourself, another, or even a place.

 Home is important so long as heart is Earthly tethered and soul loyal to oblivion.

 A safeguard.

 A solace.


Home is where you belong when you're lost and not found.

 When you're hurting and lonely.

When you're down and out in turmoil.

 Sometimes it's best to take it home.

Gotta get home.

 Make it home.

 Take it home.

 Stay near and to the point of home.


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