Gladiolus italicus

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Adore me, love me deep.

Worship me as if I'm your god!

A grave of knives.

Soldier man, young and virile.

Wandering a vast salt pan for the man he "loved" once.

Bare soles of his bleeding in sacrifice for me on white salt.

Leaving prints of crimson, destined for me.

Of course, no matter what he asked of me I'd give in to him.

He journeyed out far just to make it to the hanging gardens of my home.

My love, I'd croon at just the sight of him; laid out on my chaise.

I could see that hesitation, knowing just what I was sought for.

In the world I was gravity, weighing billions of pounds.

Holding wisdom of millions of deaths; so many lives.

He'd crawl underneath me, laying with me just for a few nights.

Fuck me! Impale me on that blade of yours oh soldier.

At least that's what my eyes would say.

His held nothing but regret that made my stomach turn.

In the haze of his lustful thoughts and licentious stares I'd preform for him.

Body dancing and undulating like that of a charmed snake.

Enough for an erection or two; the sole purpose to be run through by but one other phalic item he held.

I'd take up his calloused hands wanting him to have his way with me.

Wrapping them around my neck and peering into his soul with serpentine eyes.

He was weak despite all the lives he'd taken.

Flawless control was had as he'd tighten his grip.

See, for the biggest meal of my life I was fated to first be consumed.

Skinned while flesh was still warm.

Gory and grotesque corpse wrapped up in large banana leaves and seasoned to perfection.

Submerged in herbs and spices I'd often used to keep life.

Boiled for a moon until I was nothing but golden broth.

Bits of flesh fed to queens, granting them health and vitality.

Sorrowful was the soldier.

He'd betrayed my human mind but fed my otherworldly body.

He'd partake in my bounty as well, hoping to die with me holding his heart.

But he'd just live a long life until one day he drew his final breath.

Crunching of bone, screams of agony and terror.

An abdomen parting to give way to life, me.

Being reborn anew, no longer playing pretend with newfound power like this.

Used, eaten, fucked, and killed for countless moons.

A nude body drenched in his dark blood, kinky coils subdued under the viscous liquid.

The end of all time, a lithe snake wrapping around the globe.

I never quite loved them, especially not anymore.

Coiling tighter and tighter, splintering earth and rock.

My own flesh searing on a molten core.

One last heave and destroyed it was, in the blink of an eye.

For see, the charm of the desperate was somethin' hard to say no to.

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