Digitalis Purpurea

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Chains of fox glove.

Grasping and coiling.

The embrace is painful, yes?

An agonizing echo off the confines of a skull.

I'll wait.

And you'll just watch.

Just because you gave it to me.

Chains of fox gloves

Dragging you through tepid seas of grass.

Skin nipped by delicate blades.

Urging you down sandy shores of pillow soft sands into the warmth and salt of the ocean.

The embrace is as enthralling as it is harrowing.

Unable to look away despite the stitch of pain.

They're pretty and all; these flowers.

But I've been marred by them.

But I'll wait.

And you'll watch.

Drowned under an ethereal canopy of soft pink.

Drifting down from their lofty perch arched above.

Each like a soft kiss on skin in final moments.

Deep under this warm blue.

Wrapped up in those flower chains.

I'm watching.

You're waiting.

Is this enough?

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