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      The sun rose on a beautiful Narnian day in the fifth year of the Pevensie's reign. Lucy walked out into the main hall of Cair Paravel and announced, "It is a perfect day for an adventure! Who wants to go exploring with me?"

     Lucy was almost fourteen years old, according to Narnian years, and was the youngest queen of Narnia. Her three elder siblings, Peter, Susan, and Edmund, were sitting at a table enjoying breakfast. Peter immediately turned down Lucy's proposal, saying that he had a full schedule of kingly duties to attend to. Lucy again asked Susan and Edmund, and Susan replied,

     "I don't think I have responsibilities today, so I'll go."

     Edmund sighed, saying, "Well, it's better than sitting around here all day, I guess."

     Lucy smiled excitedly, and said, "We leave at eight!"

     The three siblings set off, and began exploring the Western Woods, the same woods bestowed on King Edmund at their coronation. It was the middle of summer, and the forest was a lovely shade of green. The Pevensies were riding their horses, with Edmund riding his trusty horse Philip, whom he had had since the battle with the White Witch. Speaking of the enemy, Edmund thought he heard her voice whisper behind him. He whirled around, and shouted, "Who's there?"

      "What's wrong?" Susan asked.

     "I thought I heard the White Witch," replied Edmund.

     "That's crazy!" added Lucy. "She's dead!"

     "Yes, I know," replied Edmund, "It was probably just a voice in my head." They kept riding through the woods until all three of them heard the unmistakable voice of the White Witch. They all turned around, and saw what looked like a large white cloud. They looked closer, and saw the face of the enemy in the cloud.

     "Don't be afraid," she said silkily, "I have come to bring you news from Aslan. He says that if you come with me, then he will give you riches beyond belief!" said the White Witch.

     "I am NOT falling for your horrid tricks again!" shouted Edmund.

     Susan looked warily at the cloud, and asked, "Where did you come from?"

     "I was conjured back to life by a friend of mine," replied the Witch.

     Lucy looked at her angrily, and said, "Leave! In the name of Aslan!" The cloud shrunk back with a shocked look on her face, then said coolly,

     "If you don't come, then Narnia and its rulers shall fall!" Lucy let out a small gasp, but Edmund declared,

     "All you do is lie! Get away from us!" He then jumped off Philip, and ran toward the cloud, sword drawn. Edmund swung at the Witch, but went right through her.

     The cloud laughed, and said, "There's nothing you can do to stop me!" Suddenly, the ground started to rumble, and the remnants of the Witch's army rushed toward the Pevensies. Susan and Lucy dismounted, and Susan began firing arrows at the horrendous creatures. The white cloud disappeared. But just before it did, Lucy saw a smirk on the White Witch's face.

     The Pevensies rushed toward the Witch's army, and Edmund cried, "For Narnia! And for Aslan!" Just as they were about to collide with the enemy, the Witch's army abruptly halted, staring just above the Pevensie's heads. The siblings stopped, confused, and looked behind them. To everyone's surprise, Aslan was standing atop a large rock.

     The Pevensies let out a shout of relief, "Aslan! You're here!" The great lion let out a mighty roar, and the Witch's army shrunk back in terror. Aslan roared again, this time shaking the very leaves on the trees, and the ugly beasts turned and ran for their lives. The royal siblings smiled with relief, and ran up to the great lion.

     "Aslan! We're so happy to see you!" exclaimed Lucy, "I didn't know what we were going to do!"

     The lion looked lovingly on all of them, and said, " I heard you use my name, Lucy."

     Lucy glanced down, blushing, then said, "I was just telling that witch who's really in charge!"

     Aslan smiled, and said, "Anytime you need me, just call my name, and I will come." They all smiled, and hugged Aslan's long mane.

     Susan sighed, "I think we've all had enough excitement for one day!" They all agreed, and journeyed back to their home with Aslan.

     Back at Cair Paravel, King Peter was helping sort out disagreements and requests the Narnians had. When his siblings entered the hall with Aslan, he sighed with happiness and relief. The dwarf and the faun that were before Peter stopped arguing and looked in amazement at Aslan, the great lion.

     "What are you doing here, Aslan?" Peter exclaimed, "What trouble did these three get into this time?"

     Edmund glared at him, but Aslan replied, "They only needed a little assistance."

     Susan told Peter the whole story, and afterwards, he exclaimed, "The one time I don't come with you, you guys have all the fun!"

     Susan replied, "What I want to know is how she can even exist! Didn't you kill her, Aslan?"

     Aslan sighed, then replied, "Yes, I did defeat her, and she has no power anymore, except for the power that you give her." The Pevensies looked confused, so Aslan continued, "If you let her have power over you, then she can take a physical form, and wreak havoc once again."

     "We won't ever let that happen," said Peter solemnly. His siblings nodded in agreement.

     Aslan then addressed the entire company in the great hall, "Another reason I have come is to destroy the Witch's army and castle, once and for all!" He then roared, and everyone in the room let out a shout of joy. 

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