Chapter 2: 'A Visit to Narnia'

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    Dear Diary,

       Today marks eleven days until Christmas! I am so excited! We are going to visit the royal Pevensies in Narnia this year because they are having the Festival of the Carols this year. It only happens every three years, and last time, the country of Calormen hosted it (let's just say it didn't go exactly as planned), and before that, my country hosted, but I was only ten years old, and I don't remember much. The last time my family and I went to Narnia it was to ask for the blessing on my twin brothers, and that's when Cor was taken from us. I know my parents are going to have a good time there, but it will also be hard for them. Mother completely shut down after Cor was stolen (he was her favorite, but don't tell Corin that), and she became cold and distant. I think Father has been living in denial this whole time, hiding his pain behind smiles and large parties, even though he probably knows that he won't be coming back. I just have this feeling that Cor is okay, and that he will return to us one day in the future.

       Anyway, enough of my rambling! I have to pack up my things for our trip. It takes about a day or so to get to Narnia from Archenland, and I just cannot wait! I much prefer the green forests and fields of Narnia than the bare, desolate mountains of Archenland, and at this time in the year, the forest will be all snowy and sparkly! I absolutely adore the winter season! 

Golden Days: The Chronicles of NarniaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ