Chapter 1: Winter Visitors

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     An icy breeze blew through King Edmund's hair. He shivered, partially from the cold, and partially because he was staring at the very place the White Witch's castle once stood. The Pevensies had long since defeated the Witch, and had just stamped out the last of her followers the year before, but Edmund continued to feel her presence, even if it was only a ghost of a feeling. Edmund struggled to see the beauty in the winter season because of her, but he was starting to see that winter wasn't all bad, such as the delicate snowflakes falling like glitter on the North Mountains of Ettinsmoor on the horizon. He let out a visible sigh, thanks to the cold winter air, and turned back towards the Western Woods, which he had been given to rule. Lucy, his younger sister, ran up to him from the snowy path, "Hurry up, Ed, we've got to get back to Cair Paravel to welcome the King and Queen of Archenland!"

    Edmund sighed, "Why do we always have to have so many visitors? Don't they have their own kingdoms to rule?"

     But Lucy only rolled her eyes and replied, "Oh hush, they'll be gone before you know it." So they set off to Cair Paravel from the sparkling, snowy forest.

     Upon arriving, Edmund and Lucy were greeted by their elder siblings Peter and Susan. "Where have you two been?" asked a slightly annoyed Susan, "The King and Queen of Archenland will be here any minute!" Edmund and Lucy hurried to their rooms, smiling at each other, and changed their frosty clothes. As soon as they stepped out of their quarters, the herald announced, "King Lune and Queen Arya of Archenland!"

     The trumpets marked their entering the great hall, and Lucy came forward and greeted them, "Welcome, King Lune and Queen Arya! We are very glad to have you here!"

     The King smiled politely, and asked, "When do the festivities begin? I've been looking forward to this visit for months!" He laughed jovially, and introduced his wife, Queen Arya, to Lucy. She was quiet and reserved, if not a bit aloof. He also introduced their two children, Princess Lyella and Prince Corin. The Princess was the kind of person who was happy no matter the circumstances, and who loved a good adventure (she and Lucy hit it off right away). The Prince was only six years old, and most kids his age are usually rowdy and wild, but he was silent and obedient most of the time. The King explained that his behavior was due to the fact that his twin brother, Cor, had been abducted when they were babies, and they never saw him again.

     Lucy heard this, and exclaimed, "Oh, that's terrible! But might I ask... Princess Lyella, are you adopted?" Normally, this might seem like a very rude question to ask, but Princess Lyella did indeed look quite a bit different from her parents and brother. She had fiery red hair with streaks of blonde and brown, while her parents and brother all had very curly, dark brown hair. There was also the matter that she was very pale, while her family was darker-skinned.

     Princess Lyella laughed, "Why, yes, I am adopted! How could you tell?" She and Lucy laughed, and immediately became good friends.

     High King Peter and Queen Susan chatted with King Lune and Queen Arya, while Edmund and Lucy got to know the Princess and Prince. Edmund had been looking at Lyella for a long while, when he exclaimed, "I think I know you from somewhere! Were you at our coronation six years ago?"

     Lyella smiled, and replied, "Yes, I think we were! Cor and Corin were only just born, and we had come to Narnia to ask for a blessing on them from a wise old centaur. That's actually when Cor was stolen from us."

    Edmund frowned, and replied, "I'm so sorry! I didn't know it happened in Narnia?"

    Lyella smiled sadly, "It's all right, I have a feeling he is just fine, we just need to go find him, but my father has long since stopped sending search parties to go look for him." The Pevensies retold their story of how they had come to Narnia, and their visitors listened with wonder at their marvelous tale of defeating the White Witch, and fulfilling the ancient prophecy.

      Edmund had never really taken a liking to any girls before because he was busy with being a king and all, and the only girls he had ever really known were his sisters. Any other girls he had known before, in England, had been annoying and vain, but Princess Lyella was different. She was so happy, and strong, and, indeed, very beautiful. Edmund soon realized that he was staring at Lyella when she looked at him and laughed, "Is there something on my face?"

      Edmund looked down, blinked twice, then replied, "Oh, no, sorry, just... was staring off there for a second!" He laughed it off, then thought to himself about the strange way she made him feel.

     Edmund had been so preoccupied with kingly responsibilities and breaking the White Witch's spell on his mind that he hadn't really thought about how long they were going to stay in Narnia. How much time had passed back in England? Was the Professor wondering where they were? When Lucy had first gone to Narnia, no time had passed at all when she came back, but was it different when one stayed in Narnia for several years? Edmund just had to find out, because he desperately wanted to stay here and be with Lyella, he soon realized within himself. 

Golden Days: The Chronicles of NarniaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang