Chapter 6: 'Into the Woods'

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Dear Diary,

      I just returned from the bonfire tonight! It was really enjoyable, the different Narnian creatures were dancing around the fire, and my family especially enjoyed it, even Mother! I noticed Edmund acting strangely today, and I suspected him of going somewhere later, possibly during the bonfire, so I hid a riding horse in the woods near the bonfire, just in case. As we were all dancing and having fun, I saw Edmund leave the circle around the fire, and slip into the forest. I went after him, but Corin, curious as he is, just HAD to follow after me! I convinced him to stay at the fire, and quickly followed after Edmund on my hidden horse. He had hidden a horse as well, and I easily caught up to him. We rode for a while, until he came to a little clearing with a lampost seeming to grow right out of the ground. I soon realized that it was the place the Pevensies talked so much about, the place where they first entered Narnia. Edmund dismounted, and I did as well, quietly, of course, and I watched as he walked around, as if looking for something. He said something about coats and the wardrobe, and was looking rather confused and panicked. That's when I decided to reveal myself, and Edmund was startled to see me there. His reason for escaping to the woods was surprising! He said he wants to stay here as long as he can, because he has a crush on me!! I know! I can't believe it! I thought he didn't like me very much at all! I told him that I also have a crush on him, and he looked almost as surprised as I felt! I am just giddy with delight! I love it here in Narnia, and I don't ever want to leave! 

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2020 ⏰

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