My Annoying roommate (1)

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So this story type of thing is gonna be a three part type of thing. There's smut and fluff but obviously that won't be in the first chap. Hope you enjoy. This story starts in college, where Lance and Keith meet. They are roommates for a whole semester before Lance leaves.
Keiths pov.

'Ok, room 34 floor 7.' I think to myself as i carry a box in my arms, duffle bag hanging over my shoulder. You see im in my second semester (i don't know how college works?) in college and I've been moved to a new building due to building B, the one i was originally in was flooded and currently under inspections and stuff. From what I've heard, i have a room mate but he's coming from Cuba and won't be here for a week so i guess that's a plus.

I get to the room and sit my box near my feet and unlock the door. This room, i noticed was far, far away from the other rooms. Last one on our floor and when i walk in i'm so amazed i drop my key. It is beautiful and absolutely huge. There were two beds opposite eachother, one in either corner or the far side and to both side of me there are two desks, accompanied by two chairs, one red and one blue. I chose the side to the left, meaning the red chair. Bringing my box inside, throwing my key onto the desk I start unpacking my things.

~4 days later~

Lances pov.

'I don't wanna be here anymore let me go back to college.'  I think to myself as i stumble downstairs of my childhood house. Kids rushing past me almost knocking me down them.

Don't get me wrong i love my family it's just very hard right now. Moving to Las vegas from Cuba is pretty crazy. Three more days of this though and i should be good.
"mi querido hijo." (My dear son) my mama said kissing my forehead and sending me a gentle smile. "Good morning mama." I say smiling back. She goes to grab the plates as i also help her to set up the table for my huge family. Let me run through it real quick.

So there's My Abuela Carry, she is a very serious lady. Then there is my Abuelo David he is the opposite to my Abuela. My mama Rosa, she is the sweetest woman and deserves all respect. My Papa Julio, he is very funny and is such an accepting person. Mama and Papas first born is my oldest brother Danny. Aged at 29 he is already such a mature young man. His wife lives in the house also, Maria aged at 28. They had their first born a year ago, my niece Isabella. Then my parents second born Jada aged 21, my oldest sister. Her husband left when her son (my nephew) Mateo was only one but is now 4 she is way too nice. Veronica and I come in third, twins with her beating me in age by 3 minutes. We are 19 and I got to garrison college while she goes to Cadet academy. She's cruel but I love her. Coming in fourth at 13 years of age, is my favourite sibling Luis. He is always so full of energy and doesn't even care about our age difference. We invite each other everywhere, alone or no. Marco's next at 9 years. He's super emo and really dark. He needs a friend like him one day. Camila is my youngest sibling. Only seven years old and she's already almost as smart as Veronica and I. She has a different dad from us but my dad is way too acxepting to just not treat her as her own. And so are we, she is the same as us and no body can tell me otherwise.

Well anyways there's my family for you. And now we are all sitting at the dining table. Minus Abuelo, Abuela and Papa. Papa went too work already while Abuelo and Abuela went shopping. Anyways we are all crowed around the table munching on food. "Are you ready to go bbck to college tomorrow?" Mama asks.
"Yeah i- wait TOMORROW?!" I yell and Veronica laughs at me. "You're going back tomorrow you doofus." Veronica snorts. "I- S-shut up i knew that!" I shouted at her. "Well mama thanks for the breakfast i have to pack!" I say to her before kissing her cheek and running up the stairs making sure i have clean clothes for arrival. I can't wait to meet my new room mate!

~Next day around 6:30pm~

Keiths pov.

So im just chilling, only just got out of the shower i've got only basket ball shorts, shirtless rubbing my hair dry with my towel facing the fridge looking through it when someone just busts through the door like they own the place.

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