What a hottie!

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This is a teacher and student relationship

Keiths pov.

Shit! I'm so late! Mr McClain is going to kill me and i'll get detention. 

'Although i wouldn't mind watching Mr McClain's ass while he writes on the chalk boa-' Not now gay thoughts i need to run to class.

I walk into class and everyone faces me, including Sir. "Sorry i'm late Mr McClain, i overslept..." He sent me a glare and told me i had detention and to sit down. I sit down and quickly write down everything iv'e missed and still have 20 minutes too look at Lance McClain, yes my teacher. God he's gorgeous. Blue eyes, tan skin, long legs, clear skin. Everything is just perfect and i'm pretty angry because i can't really be with him and stuff because he's my teacher but he's such a hottie and can be really nice if i don't do anything wrong. iv'e had a special interest in him for a while now and i have started to notice that when i'm just chilling by myself out for lunch reading a book or something he will just be there, watching me. But i just rule it as he is a teacher and needs to make sure no students are skipping class or something like that.

As i'm sitting here thinking all of this i don't notice that the bell went or that everyone was leaving.

No ones pov.

"Keith, Keith, KEITH!" Keith looks up to see Mr McClain shouting his name and trying to get his attention. "Ah yes sorry Sir i was in my own world for a sec.." Keith's response is fast and sloppy, it makes Lance want to laugh. 

"So, why were you late to my class?" McClain asks as he sits down on the desk in front of Keith putting his hands in his lap and tapping his thumbs together. "I-i overslept Sir." Keith says cursing himself for stuttering. "Ah, i see," He hops off the desk and walks behind Keith, bending down so his mouth is level with Keith's ear. "And how is sleeping more important then my class?" Lance whispers making Keith shiver. "I-i don't know Sir." Keith whispers back, cheeks all red and eyes almost closed, his hands in his lap covering his bulge he now has in his pants. 

Lances pov.

Keith thinks he's really sly, haha. Now call me wrong all you want but yes, i do like Keith, so much so that today i'm gonna fuck him, get his number, quit my job and be with him. It's only a five year difference anyways so what's the matter with what i'm doing. The only thing i'm worried about right now is that tight little ass hiding from me at the moment.

"Was it, a dream perhaps?" I ask as i see his eyes widen and him trying to cover his growing bulge. "I-i g-guess that wo-would be it." Wow he's a stutterer, i like it. "Mhm and tell me what this dream was about Mr Kogane." I start pacing the floor behind him and he sits straighter but doesn't look behind him. good. "I-it was a very in-inappropriate dream Sir, i don't think w-we should discuss i-it at the moment." Oh, he doesn't want to discuss that he wants me to fuck him, how tragic. "Oh no,no i insist, if it's making you late to class i would love to know." i smirk to myself as i hear him whine and sigh. "I-it was a-about you Sir." "An inappropriate dream about yours truly? Please i'd love to know what i did." "Y-you pinned m-me to a w-wall and F-fucked me so hard i c-couldn't walk f-for days." "Oh well doesn't that sound delightful, please do keep going." I say going to the door and locking it out of sight from him and i closed the blinds and loosened my tie. show time.

No ones pov.

Lance moves behind Keith again and Keith can feel his presence and starts to get somewhat excited. 

"Y-you told m-me h-ow beautiful i w-was and f-fucked me an-another time." Keith says moving his arms to hang by his sides and he smirked to himself as he heard Lances breath hitch for a second. "And we were both so close, i was so close to cumming all over that hot body of yours, but then i woke up. You wanna know how much i wanted to cum Mr McClain?" All traces of nervousness gone as Keith watched Lance through the mirror-like screen of the computer screen up front, watching as Mr McClain pulled at his own pants and squeeze on his large bulge. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2020 ⏰

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