Chapter One

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Was all you could hear as the sun emerged and lit up the morning sky.

Sun beams started to light through the thin lime colored curtains. The curtains slowly flowed as a slight breeze past by. The sun beams suddenly reached upon the face of a beautiful young pegasus that was sleeping underneath the shamrock colored sheets. She moved around and with a small sigh she slowly opened her eyes scanning her surroundings.

She slowly sat up on her bed and her pink mane flowed like waterfalls down to her shoulders. She did a small stretch and looked towards the window as the curtains slowly danced as the breeze gently flowed among them. She got up and walked towards the window and gently moved the silk lime curtains to the side and gazed upon natures beauty.

The sun illuminated every inch of the showing the beautiful scenery "What a beautiful morning" she said. The gentle breeze flowed through her hair and then closed her eyes to enjoy the moment. She faced the sun and felt the warm welcoming light on her skin.
Two birds flew towards her and started sing while flying around her she opened her eyes and smiled to see the little birds singing together. They continued to sing as she too singed along with them. She sung a beautiful melody and the two bird repeated after her, she giggled and smiled as she waved goodbye to them as both of them went their separate ways.

Fluttershy watched as they flew away and slowly trotted back to her bedroom and looked at the letter placed on her night stand, it read:


Dear Fluttershy,

I know it's been a long time since we've seen each other but I'm glad that you accepted my proposal. I hope to see you tomorrow afternoon can't wait to see you again!

Sincerely, Discord The Lord of Chaos

"He's comming over today almost forgot," Fluttershy said as she smiled softly while looking over the letter 'It's been so long since he visited ponyville' she thought to herself.
"I can't wait to see you too." She said softly as she headed to the restroom to fix herself up and her somwhat messy mane.

Once she was done she headed down stairs to feed her animals. She placed bowls of food on the ground for each species that lived in her home. All the little critters rushed towards the bowls full of scrumptious food and started to gobble it down rather quickly. Fluttershy watched them eat as a small little critter, different from all of them could be seen tapping its long rabbit foot on the ground in between all the little critters.

"Oh angel! I almost forgot about your salad I can be so forgetful" Fluttershy said with a bit of embarrassment in her voice as she placed angels' bowl on the ground. Angel gobbled it down after he gave Fluttershy a small smile. Fluttershy knew he was a cranky bunny but she knew deep down that he had a good heart underneath all that grumpiness.

Fluttershy slowly trotted towards her living room and looked around for something to do in the meantime while she waited for Discords' arrival. She then spotted her bookshelf that was next her green colored couch and flew towards it and started to look for a book to read. As she scanned through her bookshelf she found the perfect book to read; The Phantom of the Opera.

It was a very fascinating book so far and she was halfway into finishing it. She picked it up and flew outside of her small cottage and chose to read the book under a small tree that grew on the left side of her cottage.

She sat herself down, opened the book to the page the bookmark was left and began to read as the forest around her listened to her read in silence.


As the sun set itself to its highest peak, there in the royal castle in equestria could be seen a snoring draconequus inside one of the palaces' guest rooms.

Instead of sleeping in a bed like a normal pony he was sleeping on the room's ceiling, coiled up like a snake while having a pillow underneath his head. His name was Discord.

Discord the "Lord of Chaos" always slept in and had the most random schedule. He is the lord of chaos which means he can be as chaotic as he wanted to be but with limits.

He was now reformed thanks to fluttershy and was now working with the princesses helping them spread peace which caused him to spend less of his time in ponyville and most of his time in Canterlot. He only helped with parades and special events or any time the princesses needed him. It wasn't often though which he didn't mind.
But he was still busy in Canterlot.

He was doozing the day off until he woke up slowly stretching his arms and yawning. He looked around his room blankly and then looking towards the large window that radiated with the sun's bright light. He though if taking another nap until he remembered something very important....

His eyes shot open in realization
"I have a renunion tea party with Fluttershy today!" He said to himself in shock and then proceeded to fall down into the hard floor. "Ugh...." He said in pain as he rubbed his head and then quickly stood up.

"How could I forget!" He said to himself as placed a paw on his head slowly pulling it back. He then summoned a mirror in front of him to "Fix" himself up. Afterwards he started to make flirty comments about himself.

"Well hello handsome aren't you looking dashing today?" He said placing a clawed hand under his bearded chin. "Well you dont look bad yourself~" His reflection replied. He only chuckled and proceeded to talk to himself. After a long time of talking to his reflection about his looks he snapped his fingers to make mirror disappear and headed of to the door.

"Everything is in check, now let's get go-" Discord said right after he opened the door he was greeted by princess Celestia standing with a calm posture.

"Princess Celestia! What brings you here?" Discord said while smiling at the princess as she responded "Well Discord, I came to tell you if you would be able to help me with some things today." Discord's smile started to fade "You" He said with an upset tone. "Why yes, I need help with the preparations for today's meeting and for the upcoming Gala," she said "If its not a problem with you?"

Discord was a a bit saddened by this but he knew that he would make it to the tea party in time. 'I'll make it in time no worries discord...' Discord though to himself as he regained his smile and responded to the princess request.

"But of course, lead the way!" He said with optimism in his voice. He started to follow Celestia to their destination while he kept a sad expression on his face.

'Dont worry fluttershy I'll make it on time and I'm for sure not going to miss our tea party.' Discord thought to himself.

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