chapter five

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This might be the last or one more I still not sure

Fluttershy POV: we already arrived to the spot we needed to be then I starred to unpack our supply's ,and sat down in the picnic blanket then discord started to talk. "Um fluttershy theres .....something ....I whanted to tell you" with a nervues tone "yes what is it ?" "Um....well I ...I ..." "Are you okay your beggining to sweat" " oh sorry um is that *sight* I love you!" "Wha?...." I stared him in shock of what he said so I needed a little time to understand it then. " I ...I ...I loved you too sill-y head" I said with a gigle
Discord POV: I could believe what I heard when she said she loved me too I was happy and surprised that she loved me all along "r-really" "yes really I loved you all along and I thought you would not like me in the same way but now....." "Now you know that we have the same feelings for each other sooo-!" I was cut off because Fluttershy came jumping out at me and kissed me so I kissed back. How could she actually love somebody like me still not sure ,but what if there friends find out :0
Fluttershy POV: while he was finishing my sentences I thought that it was time for my move the thing I always whanted . So I jumped into discords face and cut him off by a kiss. Then he kissed back it was the happiest day of my life ,but I wondered "what if my friends find out will the accept it or be mad at me oh I hope nothing bad happens"

Will there friends find out about discords ,and fluttershys relationship find out in the next chapter see you later hehehehe ;)

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