win and bright are walking toward the office the next morning side by side when seint gets between them. win tries to open his mouth, but closes it right away knowing that they're inside the company. instead, he swallows his anger and clenches his fists.
"why didn't you meet me yesterday?" win hears seint ask, his usual smile plastered on his face, thankfully for win, bright only stares back at him and doesn't answer.
but seint is persistent in his endeavor, tugging the hem of bright's shirt to make bright look at him.
"do i have to?" bright asks, not looking at seint as the three of them continue to walk.
"of course," seint says, his words sound completely sure. right then win remembers what bright has told him about seint yesterday and immediately shakes his head in annoyance.
"i don't think so." win grins on bright's response, but keeps his head low so no one would get to see.
"we have a lot to talk about, bright." this time, seint isn't smiling. he's clasped both his hands on bright's and both of them stop walking. win steps a few inches away from them and steps back, intrigued.
bright furrows his brows, and harshly pulls seint's hands away from him as he says, "we don't have anything to talk about, seint" and the three of them enter the office, with win feeling like he's won. if he were in his high school days, he'd stuck out his tongue at seint and mock him. but he reminds himself that he has to be professional, at least as long as he can.
just when win thinks seint would stop bothering bright, the constant poking and tugging aren't stopping. even during the meeting, seint doesn't stop doing such things. he'd always find a way to grab bright's hands or play with his hair or place his hand on wherever bright's body and it pisses win off that neither of the seniors inside don't seem to notice all of it.
when bright and win get a chance to talk just the two of them, seint is nowhere to be found. this makes win think it's a gift. the weather at the rooftop of the building is fine - windy and cold - which is perfect because no one would seem to bother them.
"you okay, babe?" win asks, his hand snaking its way to bright's waist.
pulling win for a hug, bright deeply sighs as if he's got all the problems in the world.
"i think you should confront him." it's a stupid suggestion, win thinks. but in one way or another he also knows that it's the right thing to do. besides, conversations are always the key. at least for win it is.
"never. i know seint, baby. he doesn't stop when he's already set his mind on it."
win taps his foot on the ground, thinking.
"what does he want anyway?"
bright shakes his head, and the silence engulfs them.
"we should get back," win suggests. bright doesn't answer, but he pulls win by the neck and steals a kiss.
"i need my energy booster," bright tells win, winking.
win rolls his eyes at the sight of seint's smiley face who's unfortunately walking toward him. since he's stuck in between one of the office's cubicles and other interns are blocking the way of his escape, he forces a smile at seint and gives him a short nod.
"hey," win greets seint, half-true. inside him, he wants to erase the smile on his face by bunching the skin of his face in his hand. but he doesn't do violence, so the plan would just probably stay in his head no matter how tempting it is.
"hello win! are you free right now?"
win raises his brow, surprised. what could he possibly want from me, the words are whisking in his head and stops so suddenly when he hears pete answer for him.
"yes, seint. he's free right now. you gotta give him some engineering advice?"
seint just smiles at bright and says, "yes, actually. just some advice for here and there."
"that's great! go on now." pete flails his hand as if he's bidding us good bye. yeah, p'pete. this is really great. win mentally roll his eyes at him.
they're inside the company's cafe and seint sits adjacent to him, holding a tray of drinks. one coffee, the other strawberry milk. he gives win the coffee.
"i'm guessing you're the iced coffee type. did i get it right?"
win simply nods and fakes a chuckle. he'd guessed he'd just agree with his whims, considering that they've only got 29 days together. he's started marking the calendar when their project would end and that's probably going to be his happiest day.
"cool! now, you look so close to bright. why is that?"
win is shocked by the sudden change of seint's aura. just a second ago he's all smiley and rainbows and the second after he's got this serious expression and his eyes are all focused on win.
"we're best friends." win takes a swig from his coffee and shuts his eyes tight for how bitter the iced coffee is.
"really?" seint grins at him, and win's eyes shift on how seint seem like he'd crush the cup he's holding.
"uh, yeah." and another chug from the bitter coffee.
"i didn't know best friends french kiss," seint arches his brow, and win almost spits the coffee he's drinking.
"how did you--"
"i followed bright. i didn't know you two were in that kind of relationship."
"what do you even care?" win raises his chin, feeling his guts telling him he has to fight back.
but all the words he's preparing in his head vanish when he sees seint smile at him and say the words he'd been dreading ever since.
"what would your seniors do if they know?"

hooked | brightwin
Romance"i like girls," win repeatedly says in his head as he stares at bright's bare back, jerking off.