chapter five

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el's pov:
i was worried about will since mike was too. i sat in my room waiting for hopper to leave for work. i had already decided i was going to see what happened to will.

hopper made eggos for breakfast and they were delicious, just as always. but hopper finally left out the front door and i sat all alone in the house. i waited for hopper to drive away, staring out the window.

after his car was out of sight, i went over to the radio and pulled out a picture that i had of mike so i could find him. i walked over to my bedroom and grabbed my blindfold. i went back over to the radio and sat down by mikes photo. i slowly pulled the blindfold over my eyes, adjusting it so it wasn't uncomfortable on my head. i found mike quite fast.

"it does matter, and i know it does." mike slowly said to will. and then mike kissed will? i didn't know what to think of what was happening.

my boyfriend kissed another boy. his best friend to be exact. i wasn't mad, just very confused on why mike would do this. i ripped the blindfold off my face. i looked around the room, tears threatening to fall.

didn't mike love me? did mike love will instead? does mike like boys? thoughts racing through my head. i just sat on the ground speechless. i knew i needed to talk to mike. friends don't lie, i thought. mike will tell me the truth since friends aren't supposed to lie, right?

actually, it is your fault mike | byler |Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora