A year later

23 1 0

Rapunzel's POV

I love being a princess because I have a loving family it is better than living with the witch Gothel. 

Rapunzel's mother: Rapunzel come to the living room please

Rapunzel: coming mum

I walked to the living room and saw my mother and father sitting on their thrones so I stood by their side.

Rapunzel: what's wrong mother?

Rapunzel's mother: I want you to meet Flynn Rider 

Rapunzel: hi I am Rapunzel 

Flynn: nice to meet you 

Rapunzel: you too Flynn Rider

Rapunzel's mother: and if you two hit it off well then you will two will be married

Rapunzel: married?

Rapunzel's mother: of course

Rapunzel: okay 

I showed Flynn Rider around the castle and we were laughing and talking about everything but I got the feeling that I was being watched by someone in a blue hoodie but I am not sure.

Later that night

Flynn left the castle and I was in my room when the window opened I was confused.

Rapunzel: stupid wind

End of POV

Jack's POV

I went to Rapunzel's castle and I heard that if she gets on with this Flynn guy then he will become her husband so I decided to visit her and when I opened the window she blamed the wind.

Jack: Rapunzel?

Rapunzel didn't move or flinch she has forgotten about me I sighed and grabbed some paper and a pen.

End of POV

Rapunzel's POV

I turned around and saw a note which read: 

Dear Rapunzel, meet me outside your old tower tonight I want to show you something

From Jack

Who is this Jack person if I go I might get kidnapped but the name Jack sounds familiar I might go but I don't know how.

Later at 10pm

I snuck out of the castle and went to my old tower but I didn't see anyone.

Rapunzel: hello?

???: hi Punz

I turned around quickly and there stood a guy with white hair and he had pale skin he was wearing brown trousers with a blue hoodie with snowflakes on it and his hood was up and he was holding a staff with a G shape at the top.

Rapunzel: did you send me that note?

???: of course I did

Rapunzel: who are you?

???: you'll find out soon enough 

Rapunzel: but...

???: do you trust me?

I wanted to say no because I have never met or seen this guy before but my heart was telling me something different.

Rapunzel: yes 

???: then come here

I walked to him and he wrapped his arm around my waist and we were flying into the tower I thought I would never see this place again I looked at the walls and there were 2 paintings that stood out to me 1 of them was a picture of me and the boy next to me and the other was just the boy. 

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