Rapunzel gets kidnapped

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Rapunzel's POV

I am cleaning up when I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around quickly and saw Pitch he grabbed me and then it went black.

End of POV

Jack's POV

I heard singing in the globe room and I knew it was Rapunzel cleaning there she knows that she doesn't have to but she does anyway.

North: does she always do this?

Jack: yup even when she was in that tower

Then I heard that the singing stopped so I ran to the globe room and saw that she was gone.

Tooth: Jack what's wrong?

Jack: Rapunzel is gone

I then saw black sand.

Jack: Pitch!

North: we better find her

Jack: I think I might know where she is

Bunny: where?

Jack: that tower

North: you search that tower

I nodded and then flew out the window.

End of POV

Rapunzel's POV

I opened my eyes to see familiar walls I was in my old tower again but something seemed off I looked down at my wrists and saw handcuffs on them I tried to get out of them.

Gothel: stop fighting!

Rapunzel: no I won't stop

Pitch: Jack should be arriving soon

Gothel: how can you be so sure?

Pitch: he will do anything for his princess

Gothel: ew

Pitch: I know

Rapunzel: *rolls eyes*

Then I saw white hair and I smiled but Gothel and Pitch didn't see Jack he snuck in and hid in the shadows.

Pitch: he is here

Gothel grabbed a knife and put it to my neck and Jack walked out of the shadows.

Pitch: how sweet Jack is coming to save Rapunzel

Jack: let her go

Pitch: give me your staff and I will let her go

Rapunzel: Jack don't do it

Jack: I can't let them hurt you

Rapunzel: it will be alright

Jack: but...

Pitch: the staff Jack!

Gothel: *glares*

Pitch: and I will let her go

Jack gave up his staff and handed it over to Pitch.

Jack: now let her go

Pitch: nah

I then felt blood drip from my neck slowly and the room started to spin and the room started to get dark I heard Jack shout.

Jack: no!

I fell to the floor.

End of POV

Jack's POV

I watched as Rapunzel had fell to the floor and Gothel just stepped over her like she was a bit of dirt while Pitch snapped my staff in half I glared he then threw it to me and I picked it up quickly and put it back together Pitch and Gothel saw because of the blue light that shone in the room.

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