Guardians vs Pitch and Gothel

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Rapunzel's POV

I woke up extra early and got dressed after I took a shower and brushed my hair and I put it up so I can move around easily and I won't get hurt. I walked out of the room and into the globe room where I saw North looking at the globe and he looked worried.

Rapunzel: what's wrong North?

North: we will have to finish this fight quickly because the more lights that fade out the more it will affect us

Rapunzel: okay

North: to the sled!

Everyone was at the sleigh and we all climbed in and then North guided the sleigh to an empty street and I got out of the sleigh but I felt someone's hand in mine I faced the person and saw Jack.

Jack: *kisses her cheek* for good luck

Rapunzel: *blushes* thanks Jack

I then walked down the street and I saw all the lights go out and I saw horses made of black sand and I saw Pitch riding one and Gothel riding another they smirked when they saw me.

Gothel: I told you that they will just use you

Rapunzel: *rolls eyes*

Pitch: join us Rapunzel and we can help you get revenge on those guardians 

Rapunzel: I will never join you two and by the way the guardians will always stop you

Then North, Jack, Bunny, Sandy and Tooth emergered from the alleyways and they started throwing things at Gothel and Pitch and they threw things back at us I protected some of them with my hair since it glows it caused them to be blind for a minute.

I tripped Gothel up a few times I couldn't with Pitch because he saw me and he shrunk to the ground then reappeared somewhere else.

End of POV

Jack's POV

We had a fight with Pitch and Gothel but then I saw black sand cover Rapunzel and when the sand disappeared she was laying lifeless on the ground I ran to her and I tried to feel her pulse I got nothing.

Jack: Punzie!

North: no

Tooth: oh my gosh

Bunny: oh no

Pitch: what are you going to do now Jack?

I looked up at him and glared he was smirking he got the black sand to fly over me but I got enough strength to cover the sand with ice and he fell to the ground with Gothel.

Jack: Tooth look after Rapunzel

Tooth: okay

I ran after Pitch and Gothel and the others followed me besides Tooth she took Rapunzel back to the sleigh. We got to a frozen pond and Pitch ran into North and we surrounded them but I saw Pitch smirk.

Pitch: this isn't over because my nightmares are still here

Jack: I'm not afraid

North: me either

Bunny: me too

Sandy did some hand signals then he left to check on Rapunzel. 

Jack: it must be your fear that they smell

North: I agree Jack

Pitch: *eyes widen in fear*

Gothel: *eyes widen in fear as well*

Then the nightmares attacked Gothel and Pitch and dragged them back underground.

End of POV

Tooth's POV

I saw all the nightmares were gone but Rapunzel was still not waking up I was getting worried I looked at Sandy and he was worried then he placed his thumb on her forehead and after 15 minutes Rapunzel opened her eyes.

Tooth: are you okay?

Rapunzel: yeah but what happened?

Tooth: Jack saw the whole thing so he could tell you I only saw you lying on the ground with your eyes closed

Rapunzel: oh 

I looked up and saw North, Bunny and Jack coming this way. 

End of POV

Jack's POV

Me, North and Bunny watched as Pitch and Gothel were dragged underground and when they were gone we started to walk back to the sleigh to see how Rapunzel is I hope she is okay.

North: thinking about Rapunzel?

Jack: is it that obvious?

North: yup 

Bunny: can see it on your face mate

Jack: oh 

North: don't worry with Rapunzel's hair and Sandy he could help heal her

Jack: this shouldn't have happened I should've protected her 

North: don't go blaming yourself for something you had no control over and besides Rapunzel wouldn't want you to blame yourself

Jack: I guess you are right

We got to the sleigh and I saw Tooth and Sandy looking at Rapunzel with a smile then she sat up and I smiled.

Jack: Punzie!

Rapunzel looked at me and smiled I ran and hugged her she hugged back.

Rapunzel: what happened?

I started to tell her what happened and she was shocked that he could do that but I said it was over now.

Rapunzel: *smiles*

Jack: I am so glad that you are okay

Rapunzel: I will always be okay 

North: Rapunzel can you stand?

Rapunzel stood with the help of me and then we walked over to North he had the guardian book and I smiled and so did Punzie.

North: do you Rapunzel promise to protect the children of the world and be the guardian of Spring 

Rapunzel: I promise

North: you are now a guardian!

Then everyone started hugging Rapunzel and they welcomed her to the family and she smiled and said thank you. We all got in the sleigh and North led the reigndeers back to the North Pole and I was sitting at the back with Rapunzel and she was smiling and we were talking about what happened and she hugged me.

Rapunzel: I knew you would come up with some remark

Jack: what can I say? It's what I do best

Bunny: *rolls eyes*

We got to the North Pole and saw everything the way it was and we were glad that the nightmare is over anyway we went to different places and we had fun as well 

End of POV

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