Chapter 16 // Desperate

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A/N: heyy! Im back, and my little hiatus is over. Thank you so much for understanding, i worked hard to get back to writing as soon as i can and i hope i can live up to your expectations! Enjoy!

Kirishima pov
It's been a good hour, nobody walked in nor out of Katsukis room, nobody tried to check on me, nobody told me if he's alright or not. This is torture, I'm so close to smashing that door in with my fists, my arms were already tingling.

Walking up and down the silent hallway, I let my thoughts wander, thinking about everything that could be going on inside that room right now. He could be perfectly fine, woken up and hearing at least a bit. Or he could be still in a coma, at least alive. Maybe he was up, but the surgery failed and his brain is damaged. In the worst case, he was dead.

My fists slammed against the white walls as tears began streaming down my face. Katsuki isn't dead, he's way too strong to just give up like this. He promised to never leave my side again. "Fucking hell Kat, stick to your goddamn promises", I sobbed, not even trying to hold back anymore. It's no longer important if somebody saw me like this, the only thing that still mattered was him.

Suddenly, I heared the door swing open next to me. I looked up and my eyes met the tired ones of a doctor. As he saw the distress on my face, he smiled softly and closed the door behind him before I could take a look inside. "Mr. Kirishima. I'm sure you're really stressed out at the moment, but there's nothing to worry about any longer. Mr. Bakugou woke up and his hearing is partially restored, he's been communicating with us and demanding to see you",my mouth hung open as the tears didn't stop coming. But now, they were happy tears. My Katsuki was back.

With a small nod, the doctor opened the door to let the other nurses out, who were all smiling softly at me. As soon as the room was empty, I ran towards the bed, where he was slightly sitting up. He looked tired and miserable, but overall fine. Unsure of what to do, I signed as I spoke:" Hey Kat, I missed you babe." A small chuckle left his lips, I've been dying to hear that again.

"Dumbass speak up, I cant hear you if you keep mumbling like that", his voice was raspy and kind of shaky from not using it a long time. I was so overwhelmed, that I simply grabbed his face and pressed a kiss to his lips. God, I missed this feeling of small explosions of euphoria in my gut when we kissed. I couldn't believe it, he's back and he can hear.

Bakugou pushed me away slightly, looking into my eyes and smiling softly. "Say something, you promised that I'll hear your voice first", tears were forming in his eyes. I gulped and spoke, slowly and loud: "Kat, baby. I love you so much." Now both of us were crying, he managed to choke out a weak "i love you too" before embracing me. I don't know how long we just sat there in each others arms, crying and making promises to never leave the others side, but eventually the nurse came in to inform me that visitation hours have ended.

Kat tried to protest, but when I promised him to facetime as soon as I got back to the dorms, he calmed down a bit. We said our goodbyes and i had to reassure him that I'll be back tomorrow as soon as class ends, before I left the sulking boy in his hospital bed. The train ride and the walk back to the dorms felt like hours, when it only took me about 30 minutes total. I walked into the commons, greeted the squad who were chilling on the couch and made my way to Aizawas "mini-Apartment" in the dorm building.

After I explained the situation to a grumpy Eraserhead, I made my way up to Kats room, in which i slept the whole 3 months he wasn't here. Not wanting to waste any more time before he'd fall asleep, I dialed his number and waited for him to pick up. I was staring at the screen as there was a small "connecting" sign and then Bakugous sleepy face appeared. I smiled brightly, he squinted and turned away as if he was staring right into the sun. "You're too bright puppy", he grumbled as I chuckled.

We talked for a while before he fell asleep. I kept watching him for about 15 minutes before I went to sleep, not hanging up on the call. I wanted to at least have the imagine of him sleeping next to me now.

Finally you're mine again.


Ayyy waddup, it me, ya boy! I hope you like this chapter, it's kinda like a test run to see if my writing is acceptable again. Anyways I'm doing better, now that we had a small funeral for my gran and all.


Word count:870

Even after all that happened // kiribaku // deaf bakugou X kirishimaWhere stories live. Discover now