Chapter 21// Turning Point

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Kirishima pov
After Kat came back, the world seemed to be a lot brighter again. Days went by rapidly and soon enough we were about to graduate the 2nd year of UA. This year consisted of so many ups and downs, but to be honest, I wouldn't change it in any way. I kept dissasociating in the middle of the ceremony, but Kat always tapped my thigh to bring me back to reality. In my mind, all the beautiful moments him and I had this year passed by. All the dates, from first to the one last week, all the kisses we shared, all the cuddles and every tear we shed.

"... Thank you students, you may leave the hall now. Retreat to your home rooms for the last time this school year to say your final goodbyes and then off you go into your holidays!", Nezu ended the ceremony happily. The commotion within the main hall started to grow as everyone tried to get out as fast as possible. I almost lost the spikey blonde, if it weren't for him grabbing my hand tightly and squeezing it. A gentle smile crept onto my face as I was being pushed around by the students around me. As we finally got out of the mass of teenagers, Katsuki wrapped his arm around my waist while we made our way to the class. Over the last few months, we revealed the fact that we're dating to first my moms and then to our class, and Kat began being more affectionate in public. We did get some stupid comments and dirty looks at the beginning, it made it harder for Kat and I to get close to each other, even in private. But after some time we learned to ignore it and that strengthen our bond even more.

Before we turn the corner to the hallway our class is on, the slightly taller boy stopped and turned me around, so I was fully facing him. He grinned down at me and pressed a kiss to my forehead, making me blush at the sweet gesture. "Ei, I hope you know how happy you make me. Just at the beginning of this shiiii... goddamn school year, I thought I wouldn't even live until now. But you gave me a reason to keep fighting. I love you so fucking much", I chuckled, he promised me to stop cussing so much, but I'll let that one slide. "I love you too, blasty boy", my arms wrapped around his torso and I closed my eyes as I leaned onto him. He hugged me back and gently swayed us from side to side

Everytime I had to let go of him I said the same thing "Why can't we just stay like that forever?" and everytime the ash blonde responded with a 'tch' and grabbing my hand. Today it was different, because instead of holding my hand, he practically clung onto my arm, embracing it with both of his arms and pressing it to himself. Lightly chuckling, I put my other hand on his biceps and walked into our class. "YOUR GAY IS SHOWING", the heartwarming and gentle words from Kami filled the room as we walked in. Mina slapped him on the back of his head while Hanta was laughing his ass off. "Don't go around pretending you didn't JUST suck faces with flextape, walmart pichu", Kat smeered, making me laugh as we approached our seats. That shut Kamimari up quickly, making him blush intensely and Mina fell off his desk she was previously sitting on, because she was laughing so hard.

After that, Aizawa walked in and we all just kind of said our goodbyes and made plans for the summer. I was really looking forward to it, hanging out with friends, sleeping in and most importantly, the trip Kat and I have planned. He came up with the idea to go on a road trip during one night, while we were watching some kind of romance movie I forced onto him. I've always wanted to do that cliché couple stuff, so I was immediately down for a road trip. We'd go from Musutafu to Tokyo, stay there for a few days, then go to the small cabin Katsukis family owned. We agreed on staying there at least a week, he promised to show me his favorite hiking trails and also he said he has a big suprise when we get there.

I clung to my boyfriends side, unwilling to get my hands off of him at any time. One of his hands was constantly either on my back or biceps, rubbing small circles with his thumb, while he was gesturing with the other while talking to Hanta and Mina, also ignoring Kami. Occasionally he'd move it up my neck and onto the back of my head, giving my a small head massage. That was in the moments we were silent for a few seconds , just enjoying the squads presence. I closed my eyes and leaned my cheek onto his shoulder, recieving a gentle kiss on my head. Because I was too lazy to style my hair today, I just put it into a semi-messy bun, letting my bangs fall out of it loosely.

When it was finally time to go home, Kat and I took our time packing up and leaving. We really didn't want to be separated for long, even if we had planned to leave on our trip tomorrow already, but still, since we got together we only spent 3 nights apart from each other,not counting the time Kat was in hospital. We walked out of the school building after most of the students had already left. I saw mom and mother standing next to a packed red pick up truck, waving and smiling at us. "Go on puppy, they're waiting for you", Kat said, gently nudging me towards them and letting go of my hand.

I pouted and turned to face him, making grabby hands, signaling that I want a hug and kisses. He chuckled lightly before doing as I commanded, pulling me in by my waist and kissing me lovingly. Once again, he nudged my side to leave after we pulled apart. Still pouting I walked away backwards, so he can see my expression. He smiled softly, waved and turned to walk towards his dad's car that I didn't notice before. "EIJIII MY BABY SAY HI TO YOUR MOOOMM", mom tackled me, thankfully I'm strong enough by now to not fall over when she does this. We hugged for a while, then I shifted my attention to Yua, giving her a quick hug and signing 'hi' (a/n: she's the deaf mom i mentioned earlier in the story!)

The rest of the day was basically just me, mom and mother catching up and unpacking my stuff at home. I was kind of sad to already leave them the next day after they haven't seen me in over a few months while I was in the dorms, but they said it was fine as long as Kat and I were being responsible and not do anything stupid. It was already 2 am when we finally went to bed, my own bed felt kind of weird to lay on after all this time, but I still fell asleep with a bright smile, excited for the trip tomorrow and finally seeing my moms again.

It was all perfect. A little too perfect...


Would you look at that, a long chapter! Im really sad ro say that this story is coming to an end :(( According to how i planned this out its going to end next chapter, or the one after that, but don't ya worry! Im already planning out and writing some outline for another story! Also kiribaku (they're my otp aaAah), but a coffeeshop au. Anyway, love you guys so so much!


Word count:1322

Even after all that happened // kiribaku // deaf bakugou X kirishimaWhere stories live. Discover now