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The category for Werewolf/Vampire has been filled up! Participants, please follow your judges.

Judges, you have 3 weeks to judge the first 5 chapters of your assigned 7 books. Follow the marking scheme in "judging criteria", and submit all the marks by May 26, 2020. Thank you!

Judges, all the books are in a reading list on our profile called "Werewolf/Vampire Entries". Good luck to all participants and judges!!


1. The Nightmare -- briizy98 
2. Selected [M]-- @WolfUnderTheMoon89 
3. The W.A.I.T. [M] [LGBT] --@LheaRyder 
4. ShadowbrooK: Once Hungry, Twice Bitten [M] -- @ChloeLeia561 
5. Scorned Love [M] -- @Angelsiren21 
6.War of the Underworld [M]— @BB_Farrar
7. Wolf & Hood [M] - KnightofEmpires

Judge: @_Infinity_2006 

8. Love With Cold Heart [M] [LGBT] - KavyaAgnihotri
9. The Vampire Invasion - GoldenUnseen
10. King Alexander [M] - wildfiremockingjay
11. Immortal - krystall_xoxo
12. The Year Package [M] [LGBT] - Jumping_Jiminys
13. His Cursed Pack [M] - solitary_lover
14. The vampire's queen [M] - ritaagumagu
15. Game On, Alpha - Messiwrites_

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