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  So much for braving the first day together, Josie thought to herself angrily. The second that they had entered Mystic Falls high for their first official day of classes, Lizzie had abandoned Josie, walking with the friends she had somehow managed to make before the first day had even begun. She hadn't seen her sister since, and if she didn't know better she'd think that Lizzie was avoiding being seen with her. Lizzie's ignorance of Josie's existence left the junior to wander the halls in search of her classes alone with thousands of beady eyes watching her every move. She tried not to pay attention to the pointed looks and whispers, but it was hard not to notice them. She figured that because Mystic Falls was such a small, archaic town, they probably didn't get many new students every year. If she and Lizzie were the only two people to fill that already microscopically small quota? Well, then they were bound to be the center of attention. This was good for Lizzie, who was already seeming to fit into the hierarchy of Mystic Fall's student body. For Josie, however, the day had been filled with leering looks from the guys and impassioned displays of dominance from the girls who had perceived Josie as a potential threat to their status due to how the boys reacted to her. In short, she hadn't had a very good day, and unfortunately for her, it was only noon and it was about to get worse.

She redialed the combination to her locker for the third time, slamming her hand against the metal when it once again refused to open. It would be just her luck that the same combination that had worked perfectly fine that morning would fail to work when she was due for her class in less than five minutes. She rested her head against the cold locker door, deciding if her math book was really necessary enough to be worth bothering the main office about the malfunctioning lock. She was about to abandon it when someone else stepped up next to her, turning the lock skillfully. A second later the girl was pulling the lock off of the door, handing it back to Josie. Josie looked from the open locker to the smirking girl- her raven-haired neighbor that she had previously deduced to be Penelope Park- her frustration and relief hitting her in equal measures. "Hot tip, new girl- MFH is notorious for having shitty lockers. I'd invest in one with a key." Josie rolled her eyes, taking the math book out of the locker and slamming the door shut. She was about to turn and walk away when Penelope stopped her. "Hey, I think we got off on the wrong foot- I'm sorry about that. I don't think I've really introduced myself yet, but I'm Penelope." "I know", Josie blurted out, earning a confused look from Penelope. "The card on your mom's basket- it said from Miranda and Penelope." Realization hit Penelope and the confusion eased from her face. "Well, don't you think it's unfair that you know my name and I don't know yours?" Josie chuckled at that, shrugging. "Do you think it's fair that you keep appearing out of thin air? It's very annoying.", she rebutted, shifting her bag high up her shoulder. Josie sighed, running her hand through her hair. She had hoped it wouldn't come down to this conversation, but with Penelope's insistent behavior, she had no choice but to tell Penelope the truth.

"Look, I appreciate your help with my lock or whatever, but if you're looking for some kind of friendship you have the wrong twin. Maybe you should try my sister, Liz. She seems to be taking applications." Penelope leaned against the locker, her arms crossed. "Maybe she's not the twin I'm interested in.", she said nonchalantly, almost as if discussing the weather. "Well, I'm not interested.", Josie said more firmly, her posture rigid with tension. "Just, please leave me alone." The bell went off for the second time, signaling that Josie was already late to her first math class of the year. "Great; and now because of you I'm late." She reached into the side pocket of her bag to look for her schedule but saw that it was already in Penelope's hands. "Relax. If you slip in through the back door Ms. Cox won't even realize you were tardy." Josie snatched the schedule back from Penelope shoving it in the bag. When she looked back up, Penelope was gone, assumingly to her own class. Josie sighed with relief- at least now she could get to class in peace.

When she showed up to her fourth period, she decided to take Penelope's advice, going through the door at the back of the classroom instead of the one at the front. To her surprise, she once again laid eyes on the green-eyed girl at the front of the room, speaking to the teacher in a hushed voice. Ms. Cox looked up upon Josie's arrival, smiling warmly at her. Josie could tell immediately that she was one of those teachers that was more motherly than teacherly; She was someone that Josie could easily get along with. She waved Josie over, and the girl complied. "Hello, Josette. It's very nice to meet you." Penelope's eyebrows arched at the mention of the girl's name. Josie could feel her face turn red with embarrassment. "I'm so sorry about being late. It won't happen again.", she apologized, but Ms. Cox waved her apology away. "Penelope already explained to me what happened, dear. You're excused." Josie sighed with relief, mumbling a quiet thank you to both Ms. Cox and Penelope. She returned to the desk she had claimed for herself, and after a few more exchanged words Penelope turned to leave as well. Before she did, she passed Josie's desk, leaning over to whisper something only Josie could hear.

"See you later....Josette." 

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