Chapter 9 - First Concert In London

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Hi guys, thank you for reading my story. I hope you are enjoying it so far.

The next morning, I get woke up by the sound of my alarm. I sit on the side of my bed and check my phone. It's only 7:30, so i decide to look through twitter. As I look through twitter, I check my notifications and I see that the boys have tagged me in a post. I click on it and what they have said makes me tear up. It was posted yesterday night but I didn't see it because I went to bed early and I didn't look through twitter.

'Isabelle has done nothing wrong. One of our security guards is her uncle. She is also a fan of us just like all of you. So please leave her alone. Stop putting hate comments on her posts. If you have something mean to say, keep it to yourself. Thank you to those who treat her like a friend.'

I look through twitter for another half an hour and I notice that my likes have gone up and followers have also gone up. I have stopped getting so much hate. I decide to find some clothes out for the day. I find out a pair of black jeans, a white one direction shirt, a black one direction hoodie and a pair of white trainers. I have a shower and then I get dressed and do my make up. When I start moving my bags to to by the door, there is a knock on the door. I open the door and the boys are standing there.

''Morning boys.'', I say.

''Morning Izzy.'', they each say.

They come in and I go and make us a cup of tea and then I join them on the sofa.

''Thank you for what you posted on twitter yesterday. It means a lot.'', I say.

''Its okay. They shouldn't be treating you like that.'', Niall says.

''Most of them should stop now and then all of them will stop.'', Zayn says.

''Yes hopefully.'', I say. ''I love you guys so much you know.''

''We love you too.'', they say.

We finish our tea and I take our cups into the kitchen to wash them and then we get a text from Uncle Paul saying that they are downstairs waiting for us. We all go downstairs and there are a lot of fans there. I didn't think there was going to be so many, I thought they were going to be getting ready for the concert later. The boys stopped with them for a while to sign some things and then we go to breakfast. After breakfast, we go to our rooms with security to get our bags and then we go to the car and drive to the stadium. While we are driving, we all sing along to the radio and then Harry tells some jokes which were quite funny.

When we get to the stadium, there are a lot of fans starting to line up for the concert. There were also tents where some of them had stayed the night. We go into the stadium and the boys go to get ready with Amelia and their other stylists. After a few hours they are all ready. When they are ready, we sit and talk for a while and then they go to sound check about 30 minutes before the show. Sound check takes about 10 minutes and then their video starts playing before the show. While the video is playing, they have time to go to the bathroom and get drinks before they go on stage. About a minute before the video finished, I wish them good luck and they hug each other before going to their door. They stand there for a few seconds with their heads down. And then the doors start opening. Screams are getting louder and then the doors are fully open and they walk onto the stage and the music starts playing and then they start singing.

This is really the most amazing thing I have ever seen in my life. It's the best thing I could have asked for. I watch them for a while and then I decide to call Jamie. I go somewhere it's quiet and where I'm on my own and I look through my phone for his number and then I call him. It rings a few times and then he answers.

''Hello.'', he says. He sounds a bit annoyed.

''Hi Jamie, how are you?'', I say.

''I'm confused to be honest.'', he says.

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