Dating the Sinclair Brothers would include...

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Baby Lester:

* Bo was hesitant about you at first.

   > That changed when you saved him from getting attacked by someone passing through Ambrose that got away from Vincent.

* Actually met Vincent before Bo.

* Little to no PDA.

   > Cheek kiss or a hug usually.

* Persuading to shower nightly.

* Constant night drives around and right outside of Ambrose.

* Sneaking out of the house in the middle of the night and "camping" atop one of the safer buildings in town.

* Daily "I love you" at least once. Maybe three times.

* Getting angry because he ruins the only nice pair of jeans he owns.

   > "Are you kidding me!? You wore the only nice jeans to pick up dead animals in? Wa-what? There is blood all over them! Lester!"

* Marrying. He actually goes and picks out a ring with Bo, who hates having to be in town.

   > Bo marries y'all in the back yard after decorating it.

* Two children. One boy, one girl.

   > During the first pregnancy, moving to the closest town outside of Ambrose so they could have a "normal" childhood.

   > They still grow up around Ambrose, but usually Bo and Vincent come into town to visit instead.

   > Vincent's a little more understanding as to why. Bo understands, he just thinks it's stupid. "It's the family business!"

Vincent (Van Gogh):

* Bo enjoys your company, usually. Just stay out of his way.

* Helping with sculpture poses and outfits.

* You aren't allowed to help with trickery or killing, what if you got hurt?

* The least PDA.

   > Hand holding.

* MONTHS before he let's you see him without his mask.

* Night walks around Ambrose.

* Never, ever arguing.

* Art dates together.

* Personalized candles for gifts? Yes.

* When he does talk, which is rare, he calls you his Muse. Even one of the candles (That you refuse to ever light) says so!

* You sharpen the dragon knife set for him.

* B.E.G.G.I.N.G to paint his nails.

   > He enjoys it, so you get to do them for him when you do your own.

   > But only black, or really dark red or really dark blue.

   > I'm sorry are you holding yellow? Prepare to chase the large man around Ambrose even after reassuring you won't use the paint.

   > Lester asks you to randomly do his one day, but only one hand. He doesn't like it.

* Constant reassurance that you love him, with and without a mask.

* Speaking of mask, you eventually get your own, but only for display. You wanted to see how to make one!

* He eventually has a collection of nude art of you, that one he hides from his brothers.

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