Cuts & Kisses // Brahms

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Once I finished putting the laundry away, I cleaned the outside traps before going to clean my hands. I checked the time before deciding to start on dinner finally.

"Brahms, I'm starting dinner!" I called throughout the house, my eyes moving to lock with the porcelain dolls before I began to pull things out of the pantry and cupboards.

Deciding on something simple, I went with chicken breast and garlic mashed potatoes. After seasoning the chicken and leaving to soak it up for a few minutes, I began chopping the garlic up and moving to a small bowl, before peeling and cleaning potatoes. I began dicing them as water boiled.

When my back had been turned to the stove and I turned back, I realized the doll was missing. It was only a matter of time before I heard the music begin to play loudly, causing me to jump and slice my finger. I hissed as I dropped the knife and ran around the counter to the sink, rinsing my finger off. I grabbed some paper towels and wrapped my finger in them before running into the room, shutting the music off and turning to the doll with a huff.

I closed my eyes while releasing a shaky, angry, breath before grabbing the towel haphazardly and setting him on the counter. I moved my hand under the sink for a moment, throwing the paper towels towards the trash, as they fluttered to the floor just beside it instead.

"You're bleeding" my head lifts quickly, spotting the man just on the other side of the kitchen's threshold. I glare and motion to it with my head, "You did this, Brahms. Go get the first aid kit from the bathroom." He only stares for a moment, causing me to huff once more, "Go!" I shout, causing him to jump a bit before turning and hearing his quick feet down the hallway.

After a moment, the large man is beside me and pulling my hand to dry it off with a rag and I push him a bit with my hip so I can grab the box of band aids, opening it and letting them fall onto the counter. He grabs one, and moves the towel after opening it, starting to put it around my finger.

Once it's on, I turn quickly and begin cleaning everything up, as Brahms watches from my side. I leave the red box on the counter before turning to pick up the bloody knife, board, and throwing the contaminated potato away. As I move to grab a different knife and board, Brahms murmurs my name in his child voice while reaching out to me.

"What, Brahms?" I sigh as I continue to look away from him. "I'm sorry" he whines while moving to rest his head on my shoulder, reaching to grab my hand, examining the baby blue adhesive on it, before bringing it up to his porcelain lips and making a smack sound.

I couldn't help but smile, turning to face him. "Thank you, Brahms. But you need to be careful. I could've really hurt myself" he nods and opens his arms slightly, causing me to lean into them for a hug. "I will do the dishes, and I can finish cutting these up" he whispers in his regular voice, and I nod, looking up at him, "I think that is a grand idea" he nods his own head, causing the brown locks to bounce a bit before moving me out of the way and grabbing the knife and potato.

I tippy toe, placing a kiss to his porcelain cheek before moving on to the chicken.

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