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The Pandora's Box

Your heart is the Pandora's box

It makes you bleed

as you write

People see painful metaphors, beautiful words

All it shows you is blood


Don't cry for having

A heart that carries good

But cry because they don't expect it

From you

You say you like


They will laugh and say

Its unnatural for you to sing


You are the girl who gently places

Fallen birds out of their nests

You are the girl who cries

Over broken hearts

Over cruel lies

That Pandora's box was the

Same place where kindness oozed out

for them

Which they mistake to be a cup

Full of hatred


up to the brim

it's a Pandora Box

Don't cry because they can't see it

Cry, because, they can't see it

Because that's your Pandora's box

Weeps for strangers

And beings without a tongue

So, let it weep for friends

Who think you have

A Pandora's box for a heart.


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