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A/N: This is a shameless promotion guys, don't mind :p

Why do we teach our daughters,

That you aren't a princess

Until your prince charming

Is the one with the sword to slaughter?

Why don't we teach them about Red Riding Hood?

Who didn't need a man to save her

From the big bad wolf.

Her mother could've just hidden

a knife in her basket, as it were

instead of empty advises

Why don't we tell them about Snow White?

Poisoned by her Step-mother's envy so green,

Got redeemed by the kiss of love.

What next?

She went back to kill the Queen.

Why don't we teach them about Arora?

Who woke up from her slumber, screaming

For a strange man was kissing

Without her consent.

Why don't we teach them about Ariel?

Who left her sea, her home?

In the pursuit of love

But had no problem in killing

The two-timing prince

And returning back home, to the sea.

The fairytales we tell our daughters should be of real women, with real flaws and exceptional courage.

Let's raise girls who don't wait for Prince to ride on a white horse with a sword slung across his chest.

Let's raise girls who roll their hair up in a bun and charge into the battlefield to slay their own dragons.

// Sinner or Cinderella, by Florence Kwater. Check it out if you can <3

 Check it out if you can <3

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