{ twelve }

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"I discovered something," Harper announced when Octavia arrived at Bellamy's house. The whole gang was there. It was Harper's choice to call Octavia after a while of debating it with herself. "It's not much," She warned, slightly looking at Octavia. "But it can help in making the connection between Martinez and Lily."

The room went silent for a while. No one wanted to say anything, especially not Clarke, who wasn't very comfortable with the idea of Octavia being there - which was reasonable since the last time they saw each other, Octavia practically screamed at Clarke, calling her crazy. Bellamy, on the other hand, felt divided. He believed in Clarke - even though her theory was a little confused - but he understood why Octavia felt the way she did.

"Let's see what it is." Kane nodded, looking at Harper, who started to explain how she hacked the system after fighting with Monty so she would see at least if there was any sense on Clarke's theory - it turns out there was.

"Siblings? They're nothing alike, trust me, I know." Clarke said disgustedly. For all it's faults, Lily was beautiful and an ok-ish person. Martinez was pure garbage.

"Adopted siblings. She came to his family when she was 10." Harper nodded, showing the records on Lily.

"She did mention that she was constantly moving houses as a kid, but I thought she meant like moving with her parents."

"We're getting somewhere," Bellamy admitted, but then, a little relentlessly asked. "But why would that Martinez kill Lincoln?"

"He didn't do any harm to Martinez." Octavia mumbled, her words being a little dragged out of her mouth.

"Most likely crime of passion." Clarke looked at Harper, who nodded.

"Meaning?" Kane looked at them, confused.

"Crimes of passion are usually linked up with like a blast from rage or any negative emotion." Harper explained as much simple as she could.

"Lincoln had everything Martinez wanted. A family who loved him." Clarke pointed at everyone. "Friends. Family. A high position in the narcotics. Lincoln was the boss, and Martinez hated that."

"Lincoln died because Martinez had daddy issues?" Octavia abruptly asked.

"People kill for much less these days, Octavia." Clarke said softly.

"It's still not fair."

"No one said it was." Bellamy interrupted them before they would start pitching against each other. Again.

"The weapon of the crime was never found, was it?" Kane looked at Clarke, who denied. "Maybe if we find a way to get access to Martinez's house, we get access to the gun. Assuming he did it."

"That's the problem. We can't just walk into his house, claiming that he's the killer. No judge would get us a warrant." Harper sighed, feeling defeated.

"Plus, based on what would you get that warrant? That he's a dick? Half of the planet would be locked down then." Bellamy groaned. "You hacked the database of your job. You're a cop, Harper. They'll put you in jail if they want."

"Unless we don't ask for a warrant." Clarke said with her mind filled with ideas.

"Sometimes, I do think you have a dying wish of going to jail." Bellamy said disapproving.

"I have an idea." Clarke smiled a little. "And it's not totally illegal." 

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