Chapter 1: Crybaby

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I wake up to see sunlight streaming onto my face. I sigh and force myself to get out of bed. I honestly don't know why I even bother to get out of bed anymore. It's not like I have any friends in this stupid neighborhood. I pull on a white button-up shirt and a blue overall style dress. "Not the best, but it'll have to do." I say. After walking to the mirror, I put my two-toned hair into long braids. I slowly walk down the stairs. My parents are still asleep, which is unsurprising. "Actually..." I glance at the clock and realize it's already 9:00. "Well, I guess dad's at work then." I sigh, sitting down at the small table in our small kitchen. I open up the fridge and see a bunch of wine bottles. "I have to go shopping sometime, huh?" I mutter to myself. My bunny, Alice hops over to me. I pick her up and walk out of the kitchen. Alice's hutch is right by the door, so I drop her off on my way out. "Bye, Alice. I'm gonna go ride my bike." I push the door open and feel the warm air on my face. My bike is parked where I left it, on the side of the driveway. "Well, if it isn't little Crybaby!" A voice calls. I freeze and turn around slowly. Sure enough, I see my ex-best friend, Beth Anne, and her group of plastics standing in the street. "So, wittle cwybaby, how's your family doing?" One of Beth Anne's friends call out. I feel my face heat up and I turn my back to them. It's no secret that my family isn't the best, but do they really have to remind me every time?!! I thought angrily. "Aww, looks like the wittle bunny wabbit's embarrassed!" Beth Anne says, and her entire group starts laughing. I feel tears start to pour down my face, like usual. I start walking away from them slowly, so they don't see my tears and start bullying me even more. "What's the matter? Are you a scared little crybaby?" Beth Anne yells, and she sounds angry for some reason. I guess she's mad she can't bully me, I say to myself. "Ugh, she's such a coward." One of the girls says. I ignore them and keep walking away. I have no idea where I'm going, I just need to leave. After a long while, I find myself at a park. I sit down on a bench and finally start crying, releasing all the emotions I usually keep held inside myself. "Hey, are you okay?" I hear a girl say, concerned. (I'm gonna add a little bit of backstory, so this is how she and Angelita met :D) I look up at her. She has long brown hair, dark brown eyes, and pretty features. "Yeah, I-I-I'm fine..." I mutter through my tears. She sits down next to me, and I look at her. "Were those plastics bullying you?" She asks softly. "H-how did you know?" "I live right next door to you, and I see them bully you a lot, but I've never had a chance to talk to you about it." She says, looking at me with a sad smile. "Yeah...they were..." "Why would they bully you? You seem like a nice person..." The girl asks. "Well, they bully me because of my name, Crybaby, and they bully me because of this.." I gesture to the huge gap in between my two front teeth. The girl's eyes widen. "No fricking way. They bully you about your teeth? I knew they were vicious, but this is just.." I sigh. "That's how they are, I guess. They just...try to make me cry. Those plastics like seeing who can make the 'Crybaby' cry first.." The girl sighs. "Well...I think Crybaby is a pretty name." She says, smiling. I look at her, confused. "Y-you do?" "Mhm! I'm Angelita, by the way." "That's a pretty name." I mumble. Angelita's smile broadens. "Anyways, Crybaby, wanna hang out sometime?" "Sure, that'd be great.." "Cool!" Angelita says happily. She gets up and starts to leave, then turns and waves at me. I wave back at her, then get up and start to go home as well. When i reach my house, I'm delighted to see that Beth Anne and her plastic friends have left. I pull open the heavy door and walk inside. My older brother is sitting at the table, reading a book. "Hey, Crybaby." He says to me. "Hi, Thomas.." (I named him that, he doesn't have a canon name :D) "What's wrong?" Thomas asks me. "Nothing! I'm fine." I say with a genuine smile. He comes over to me and ruffles my hair. "Good to hear that you're doing well!" He says, smiling. I hug him and walk upstairs. (Another authors note-- Her brother is gonna be nice in this :D)I glance into my mom's room and see that she's still passed out. Seriously?! It's been 3 hours...I thought. I walk into my room and sit down on the floor. "What a day it has been.." I mutter. After a few minutes, Thomas pokes his head into my room. "Hey there Miss Crybaby!" He calls to me. "Hi, Thomas." I say, rolling my eyes. "I'm gonna make spaghetti, is that okay?" He asks. "Yep." I say. "Alrighty!" He smiles at me and then leaves. I glance out the window and see a tall tree outside. I smile faintly and lay down on my bed, letting the sunlight wash over me.

Crybaby's Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें