Chapter 4: Carousel

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I have to get out of this madhouse, I thought to myself, walking unsteadily down the stairs. I pushed open the door and stepped outside. It was perfect outside today, but I was too preoccupied to care. I walked towards the direction of the bakery in our town, hoping to distract myself from the craziness of my life. As I was walking, I bumped into someone and nearly fell down. "Oh my gosh, are you okay?!" I asked, offering my hand to them. The person I knocked over grabbed my hand, and I pulled them up. As they got up, I looked into their face and blushed slightly. It was a tall boy with blondish-brown hair and faded blue eyes. "What are you sorry for?" He asks, a smile on his face. I blush again nervously. "I knocked you over, I'm so clumsy..." I say. "Eh, happens all the time." He says with a shrug. I laugh a little bit. "I'm Crybaby, nice to meet you.." I mutter. "I'm Tyler." He says, a serious look in his blue eyes. " you come here often?" I ask him. "Actually, yeah, what about you?" He continues staring at me with those beautiful eyes of his. "Sometimes, when I'm not busy.." I say, slightly sadly. He smiles at me again, and we walk into the bakery.


I walk to the park, feeling bouncy and excited. I notice Angelita and walk over to her. "Angie, Angie, Angie, guess what?!!!" I squeal. "What is it?" Angelita asks, smiling. "I have a boyfrienddd!!!" I say excitedly. "Really?!" She asks, her eyes wide. "Mhm! And he asked me to go to the amusement park with him!!!" "That's cool! I hope you guys have fun!" She says happily. We talk for a while, and then I notice that it's 6:30. "Oh, I should go...Bye Angie!!" I call to her. "Bye, Crybaby!" Angelita says, waving. I walk to my bike and ride to the amusement park. I see Tyler standing by the entrance and waiting for me. "Hi, Crybaby! You look so pretty!" He says, blushing slightly. I smile at him. "You too!" I say. We walk into the amusement park, and talk for a while. "So, Crybaby...wanna go on the Ferris wheel?" Tyler asks me. "Umm, okay!" I say, even though I'm a little scared of heights. We go on it, and to my surprise, Tyler held my hand tightly. "You okay?" I ask him. "Just..a little nervous. I don't really like heights.." He muttered. "Then why'd you want to go on the Ferris wheel?" I ask him. "I don't know!" He says, and we both laugh. We get off, and I notice a man wearing a weird mask. It's white, with two black circles around the eyes. Tyler notices the man and looks at the ground nervously. I look at him, but don't say anything. After about an hour, Tyler leads me over to the carousel. "Wow, I haven't seen one of these in forever.." I mumble. Tyler grabs my hand and we step onto the carousel. I close my eyes and let the carousel's music wash over me. Suddenly, I felt something rough rub against my wrists, and I open my eyes wide. Tyler is standing next to me, a cruel smile on his face. My wrists and ankles were tied up, and the ropes were tied to the carousel pole. "What- I..." I looked at Tyler in shock, and he stopped smiling when he noticed. "Sorry, Crybaby, but it's for your own good.." He says, the smile returning to his face. No. This can't be happening... I felt sick and upset. "I thought you liked me!!" I yelled at Tyler, and he paused. "I do...but I have to do this. Sorry." My eyesight blurs, and I pass out.


I noticed that my wrists were untied, but they were rubbed raw from the ropes. My knees felt wet, and I noticed with shock that they were covered in blood. I sat up and noticed that my knees had been all cut up, probably from the asphalt. I sighed and pulled myself up, then walked out the exit. "I shouldn't trust people so easily.." I muttered.

*Imma take a smol break, but Chapter 5 will be out soon :D*

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