Chapter one~ the girl

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Coco's p.o.v.
I walked out of the stop n' steal with four honey for me and the other three for my aunt ridley and my parents.
It was about a mile from the stop n' steal to Ravenwood Manor.
Which I was glad I had Boo Radley with me because he can keep me company while we walk back to Ravenwood.
Boo Radley and Lucille have been my best friends and my fur buddies since i was born.
When I was a baby my parents put a small rug in front of my crib and Boo slept on it.
As i got older, the small rug moved to a big rug to carpet and then to a dog bed.
I love Boo so much that, my first word was "Boo'.

Oh, i almost forgot to introduce myself.
Hi. my names Coco Wate, I have a birthname too, but i'll find out when i'm sixteen. My parents are Lena Duchannes and Ethan Wate.
I'm a presiseious. A presiseious is a hybrid of both a wayward and caster.
I Live in gatlin, south Carolina's least-famous-middle-of-nowhere.
By the time we get a move, it's already on dvd and our theater always seems to get the titles wrong.
We're too far from charleston to have a starbucks, how sick is that?
We have 12 churches and one library with more banned books than books to read.
Same damn families living here for generations.
They keep re enacting the Civil War like it's going to turn out different.
Mama,Daddy, and Grandpa Macon use to say that there are two kinds of people in gatlin, the people too stupid to leave and the ones to stuck to move.
In my family I Have my grandpa Macon, then gramma,aunt del, uncle Barclay. My other aunts(mom's cousins besides tara.) are aunt Ridley,Reece,Ryan,and Tara.
Then my I have my uncles who are uncle link and uncle larkin. I have 8 cousins, 5 girls and 3 boys. the first is Riley who was 9 but just turned 10, then is Emily who is 5 months old,and Avery who is 11, Ella is 8,and Mia is 5.
Then the other three, Luke is 7, then Lucas is 3, and Logan is 13 months old.

I'm homeschooled, I've been homeschooled since Kindergarten.
I also have a boyfriend name, Zack Johnson.
Zack is turning 16 on October 28th, which is a tuesday.
He's the captain of the football team at Caster Academy.
Caster Academy is a school that is built for casters like me or caster kids.
It was built a few years ago(when I was in 3rd grade)on the southern side of Ravenwood Plantation.
The school goes from pre-k all the way up to 12th grade.
All the girls and cheerleaders there are jealous of me because i'm dating the captain of the football team, Zack Johnson.
I was 2 feet from Ravenwood's gates and i decide to jog up to it to open it.
When I and Boo were inside Ravenwood I walked up towards the house.
When I got to the house and ran up the old metal steps and opened the front door or me and boo.
Boo ran inside and i walked inside the house and shut the door behind me then turned around to see my cousins waiting on me.

"Do you have anymore for us?" my sweet little cousin Mia questioned while watching me take the honey buns to aunt ridley and my parents.
I handed one to my parents and the last one to aunt ridley and went to sit on grandpa Macon's lap."no." I said before i took a bite of my almost-gone honey bun.
"can I have a bite?" Ella said walking towards me.
"Hell no." i said swallowing my food and pushed her off with my foot.
"Coco, your mean." Ella said as she and the rest of my cousins went into the messy playroom/basement.
"Coco. what's gotten into you and why did you the 'H' word infront of your cousins?" My mom asked before she took another bite of her honey bun.
I just glared at her and went to throw my trash away with my ⅓ of my honey bn still in it and grab my chores list.
Which meant today is saturday and on saturdays and sundays,I do cleaning. My list always says , clean the upstairs bathrooms and bedrooms, do all the laundry(which means, mines and everyone elses who lives in the ravenwood house),mop the downstairs floors, vacuum the bedrooms, clean my bedroom and bathroom upstairs and then im done.

An hour later, I finished the upstairs bathrooms and bedrooms. except my cousins room, because it was a mess just like our basement.
Both rooms up and down scattered with toys, dirty clothes,dress up stuff, baby toys, babydoll toys and stuff.
It's very aggravating because I heard both of their parents say to clean their room, but they don't do it even though they knew I was cleaning their room.
Actually, i don't hate my cousins but sometimes they get annoying and they're always trying to get me to play with them and I'm always busy.
In the summer, i have volleyball practice from 5:30 am to 1:00 pm and then I have to go down to the Lunea Libri to work/study on my caster powers or caster history.
When I get home from caster lessons, I drop my stuff while ignoring everyone who says "hi" to me and walk upstairs to my room and I take a shower and dry myself off,get dressed in comfy clothes and take a nice long nap in my warm bed.
In the winter/fall/spring, I use my "caster library to study" excuse on them, bu my mo,dady,and grandpa Macon knows what the code means.
It means that I'm hanging with my girl, Kristen Davis.
Me and Kristen have been life long best friends.
We both were born in the same month,year, but a day apart.
I was born on January 2nd and she was born on January 3rd. We both get along great and we're both 15 almost 16.
I went up to throw my chores list away because I was done with it.
Once I threw my list away, I walked back upstairs to my room and shut my bedroom door behind me. I walked towards my desk and sat in my desk chair.
I looked down at my homework.
Which is a casterology report my mom and grandpa Macon gave me to keep me busy this weekend.
It's basically about the history casters and the history of the Duchannes and Ravenwood family. I'm about done, all I have is the conclusion paragraph or the closing paragraph.
It took about 20 minutes to do the closing paragraph.
When I was done with my report, I moved my green shaggy rug to reveal a door that leads down to the tunnels and grandpa Macon's study.
I Walked over to my desk and opened up the first drawer on the right and got out a gray key that had a crescent moon on one end and on the other it had a heart.
Then I walked back towards the door and put the end of the key with moon on it into the moon shaped lock.
"Oooo... You can't go down there, coco." I spun around real fast to see my 8 year 8 cousin ella.
"What do you need?" I said sternly though my teeth as I stared at her with widened eyes.
"Auntie del says dinner's ready and you need to come now." She smiled and skipped out of my room with blonde curls bouncing behind her.
I walked towards the door and slowly shut it and locked it.
Then i went back to the open door and looked down at the stairless and dark opening. I stepped down to feel a step and went down the stairs. It was wet and cold, like it always was and the torches started to light up the way as I walked down the tunnel.
I stopped at two doors. one said "Liv's study' and the other one said "Macon's study".
I went into macon's study and sat the paper down on my mom's desk and sat in her chair and pulled my knees up to my chest and buried my face into my knees.
"What's wrong child?" i knew that voice anywhere, it was gramma.
"Just the kids, they boss me around like i'm a little kid or something." I looked up the see gramma sitting macon's chair.
"You shouldn't let them boss you around like that, you're the oldest and you should be the one bossing them around like that." I smiled because if it was two women in the house to cheer a 15 year old girl or older up, it would be aunt del and gramma.
"I guess you're right gramma, you and aunt del are always right, no matter what." aunt del came into the room shutting the door and locking it behind her.
she came over as I got up and sat in my mom's chair and I sat on her knee.
"Macon,barclay,reece,ryan,ridley,lena,ethan,and link found out you two were down here and I came as fast I could." Aunt del pulled me into her body.
I could smell her scent.
honeysuckle and peaches.
"I can smell her scent! It smells like sweetpea and pencil eraser and used tampon." "wesley! We dont need to know about her private area." i could tell it was my mom because the way she raised her voice.
Then I heard banging on the door.
"Mom! open the door." It was Larkin., i can tell because Macon would say mother.
"mother! open this door!" "There's Macon.' I whispered enough for gramma and aunt del to hear.
An hour later, we were back in my room. "like i said I went d-" I was cut off by my grandpa. "I get that, but why did you go into the tunnels mother?"
"Melchizedek Ravenwood! tunnel. now." Grandpa Macon went into the tunnel followed by my mom and gramma.
Aunt del left my room followed by everyone else.
I got into my pj's and got into bed and went to sleep.

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