Chapter 2~ the breakup

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Coco's p.o.v.
It was basically a normal day for me.
I woke up around 7:28 and got into the shower.
When I was done, I got out and dried off.
I went to my closet and got ready for the day. Today, I picked out a long pink sweater with hearts on it , black leggings, and my brown ugg boots.
I pulled my hair back into a high ponytail and covered the ponytail with a bi pink bow.
I when I was finished getting ready, I grabbed my backpack and opened my door that lead to the tunnels.
Once I opened the door with my crescent shape key and walked down the steps.
The door shut behind me as I started walking down the empty and cold and wet path way. Also, I was glad that I wore my sweater today because the tunnels were very cold and very wet today.
I wasn't that far from the door to enter/exit the tunnel to macon and mom's study.

When I got to the study I opened the door and went to sit my bag onto the table.
Then I shut the door behind me and went to go sit down at the table.then my mom and grandpa macon came into the study carrying books.
"Good morning my dear." Macon said as he sat the books onto the table and kissed my head.
"Good morning grandpa macon." I said as I took out my algebra 1 binder.
It has pink with gold polka-dots on it and the notebook has pink fancy-frilly stuff on it with "princess maddie" on it.
Maddie was my other nickname to hide my birthname.
Anyway, the day started off good.
I had algebra 1, then I have p.e. which even though I'm homeschooled, I still need p.e.
P.e. for me contains running on my treadmill in the basement and stretch and then for games/activities, I either go outside and play volleyball or I play on the wii-fit plus in the basement.
After p.e. I have language class which is basically a class that I get taught all the different languages. Today, I'm learning Latin and some kind of caster language.

After language class I have ELA with my aunt reece.
My aunt reece is an awesome teacher and aunt.
My cousins go to caster academy(I'm the oldest of my cousins) ,but I don't.
Which I'm glad I don't because most of other friends that go there are pregnant.
Other than alisa,jojo,Sarah,and Kristen, they're not pregnant.
That class I have after ELA is caster history which is taught by my grandpa Macon, which is totally awesome.
Every time he teaches me history were in the Lunae libri, because that's basically we're all the history/caster history types of books for/about casters.
After history is science which is in the tunnels because grandpa Macon doesn't want the house to blow up or catch on fire.
My dad,and my uncles link and Larkin teach me science/biology. Most biology.
The other day, me,Larkin,link,and my dad were laughing our butts off because we came across the word "chemistry" and we started saying chemistry jokes and pick up lines. Then my mom came in and said to stop making dirty jokes and pick up lines and teach me something useful in life.
Then uncle link said "sex is useful.", but my mom rolled her eyes.
Then we heard someone yell "Wesley Jefferson Lincoln!".
We looked over to see aunt Ridley,Reece,Ryan, and aunt Del.
When the boys saw them and my mom, they ran off out of the room.
That was the end of that lesson.
8th hour is caster lessons with mom and grandpa Macon.
Then it's the end of the day.


I was in my room getting ready for the caster academy football game.
We're the caster academy Bulldogs.
I love all kinds of dog, like bulldogs,golden retrievers, and German shepherds.
I got on my cheer uniform which is green and gold.
Then I pulled my hair up into a high ponytail and put my green with sparkly gold cheer bow on top of my ponytail holder.
Then I put on my infinity vengeance(my cheer shoes) and grabbed my wallet with my money in it and my iPhone 4s.
When I was dressed and I had my stuff, I ran downstairs and out the door.
I got into Kristen's car.
Kristen and her mom came to pick me up to go to the game.

When we got to the game, I went down on to the field/track to get ready and take my warm-ups off. The game lasted about two hours .
By the time I started walking home it was 10:00 pm and it was cold and dark. I heard someone call my name.
I turned around to see zack sitting on a bench on campus. I walked up to him and sat down next to him.
"Happy birthday baby." I said and kissed him on the mouth. "Thanks. But there's something I need to talk to you about." I could tell he had hesitation in his voice.
When he has hesitation in his voice that usually means nothing good.
"What's wrong Zack?" I looked at his with concern written all over my face even though he couldn't see me.
"You know how we've been dating for three years? Well I'd give you my world and anything you want but...." He paused and got something out of his black backpack.
It was his grey caster academy Bulldogs sweatshirt and a jansport backpack, white with neon polka-dots on it.
He handed me the backpack and the sweatshirt. I put the bag beside me asks put on the sweatshirt.
"Awwww..... Thanks baby." I said with a happy voice but then moved back to concern in my face.
"It's an early birthday present,it had girly things in it. My older sister helped my put it together." There was a pause and then he looked up to meet his brown eyes.
"Coco, I love you and I'm sorry I have to do this but I have this curse in my family and everyone in it goses dark. So i basically was eased by dark casters. I love you coco so much, but I have to leave you now. To protect you from me hurting or killing you." He got up and kissed my forehead and left.
"Zack! Zack! Za-" I got up looking for him until I heard a voice behind me. I turned around to see grandpa macon standing there in the moonlight.
"I'm afraid he's gone my dear." I walked towards him and put my arms around him.
"Why? Why did he have to go?" I let go and grabbed my stuff and we walked back towards ravenwood.
"Do you know all that stuff we told you? Like about Abraham and sarafine and all that." I looked up at macon who had a cigar in his mouth and then took it out and blew smoke out.
"Yeah." I instantly said as I watched him smoke his cigar.
"Well, all those things are true and sarafine,Abraham,Silas,and hunting are after you.
They want you to go dark." I stood there shocked at what he told me.
To think all theses lies I've heard my whole entire life were true. Made me sick.
I ran towards Ravenwood and ran up the steps of the front of the house and opened the door and dropped my things and ran upstairs to my room. I locked my door and went towards the closet and pull out on some sweats and a t-shirt and took my cheer outfit off and put my sweats and a t-shirt on and pulled the hoodie back on and got into bed and fell asleep.
Dream: Yelling. I was yelling in a forest while running. I heard a faint voice calling my name. "Coco! Help me!" I knew who it was, it was Kristen. I ran as far as my legs could run but I never got to her. I ran and looked around the forest for her, my family, my friends, but I could never find them. Even though i could hear their voice calling my name. I sat on the ground and cried, as I cried the rain poured all over me, getting me and the forest floor muddy and wet. I felt something trickle down the side of my face. I touched it and saw it was blood. I wondered how i got cut, but i just laid there getting wet and muddy. ~ end of the dream~
I woke up with mud and dirt in my bed and blood on my pillow which was weird because i normally don't.
I looked at my clock and it said 9:02 am. I hurried to get up because breakfast was already served. I ran down stairs to get breakfast.
"good morning" I sat across from grandpa macon and my family were sitting on the sides of the table eating.
After breakfast I went up to my room and Locked my door.

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