Chapter 6

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My body tembled as I heard the saw moving up and down into the box.

"Hahahaha!!" Seungri laughed and put the saw down. "Im just messing with you."

He opens the box and lets me out.

Panting from fear, I sock his chest.

"Ouch! You are strong!" He says rubbing his chest.

I look away and noticed all his supplies that he keeps in his practice room.

"This is my favorite!" Seungri points at a long box.

"What is it?" I observed the box filled with swirls and stars.

"I put somebody in there and I magically move their parts of the body elsewhere. Dont worry, no sharp objects are used in this trick. Just pure magic." Seungri explains as he touches the box.

"Oh. Interesting." I said curiously.

Just then, Morgue enters the room.

"Seungri. Do you have a hook?" He asks.

"Hook? For?" Seungri smirks.

"Im doing a trick with it!" Morgue glares.

"Alright alright! Jin Ae grab that hook over there please." Seungri points at the hook behind me.

I grab it and hand it to Morgue.

He takes it and leaves the room without saying a room.

I felt arms wrap around my shoulders and neck.

It was Seungris arms. What is he doing?

Frozen I stood there and see his hands moving.

Just then a necklace was shown and he puts it on my neck.

"Everybody in our family has one. Whichever symbol that appears in my hand is what represents you." Seungri says smiling at me.

I look at the charm in the necklace and it was a moon.

"I guess you got the moon!" Seungri tells me and lifts his necklace from under his shirt. "Mine is the sun."

The necklace was beautiful.

I bow my head, "Thank you"

He smiles, "Now ready for practice? I really need an assistant!"

I hesitate to say yes but in the end I agreed.

Seungri decided to do his favorite trick for the show tomorrow.

"Do you get a lot of people for the show?" I asked curiously.

"Enough to keep us alive" Seungri smiles. "Yes we get a lot of people. Maybe more than 50."

I was amazed by his answer.

"So basically when I say your name. You come out of the curtain and smile at the audience. You then get into the box when I tell you and Ill do the rest." Seungri explains to me how the trick will work.

"Umm okay" I said nervous.

Seungri then signals me to follow him outside the room since we were finished with the small practice.

Something then grabs my arm and pulls me away from Seungri.

I yell and he turns around and sees me being pulled away.

"Hahaha bye!!" he laughs.

My eyes widen as the hand covers my mouth and pulls me into a dark room.

Red eyes glowed from the room and a growl came through my ears.

My body shook in fear.

The light then turned on and in front of me was a man with Red eyes and sharp teeth.

"AHHHHHHH!!" I yelled.

I tried to escape but I couldnt.

He held me tight and looked straight at me.

"Who are you?" He asked.

His growl became louder.

My body became stiff as he looked at me with his red eyes.

"You know Robin. You will never have a girlfriend if you keep doing that to girls!" Seungri appears at the side of the room.

I look at the man who Seungri just called Robin.

"Who is she?" Robin then asks.

"New member of the family" Seungri says walking up to him.

He was still holding my shoulders onto the wall.

"Let go. Its okay" Seungri gently signals him to let go.

Robin slowly lets me go and I run to hide behind Seungri.

Seungri laughs and shakes my hair.

"Robin is what we call a werewolf" Seungri points at him.


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