Chapter 12

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Something woke me up.

The sound of Maggie squeals made me jump.

A gun was pointed into my head.

It was the old man from yesterday.

Before I can scream, another more younger muscular man held my mouth closed.

"Keep her mouth shut! This must be the freaks most special person!" The old man said as he approached me.

"My name is Buck. Here in this town miss little freak, we dont accept people like you. Yes you get the audience, but not mine."

The man holding my mouth me tapes it.

Minnie was taped as well struggling to move.

I was afraid. Seungri was all that came into my mind. Seungri....

"Check if the other freaks are awake yet." Buck tells the man.

The man walks to the door slightly opening it.

Just then a sword pointed to the mans neck as he backs away into my room.

"I thought I warned you," Morgue says as his teeth gritted in anger.

Buck suddenly points the gun at me, "Ill shoot her right in the head you demon!"

My body trembles.

A roar then comes from the hall and Robin suddenly jumps onto Buck growling at him.

Buck accidently drops the gun.

Since my hands werent tied up I freed my mouth and grabbed the gun pointing it onto Buck's head.

Robin still growling at him got up.

I was still pointing the gun at Buck, but all he did was laugh.

"Oh little missy, do you even know how use a damn gun haha!"

My hands shook, but I still aimed the gun at him.

Just then two arms wrapped around my arms touching my hands.

"Ill handle that." It was Seungri.

I hand it to Seungri as he quickly aimed the gun at Buck again.

"Leave. NOW!" Seungri yells.

"You think only the two of us came alone haha." Just then Buck and the other man run away.

"They quit so quickly" I said.

"No they didnt. GO OUTSIDE!" Seungri yells.

We all run out to the stage where a group of 10 men were standing there including Buck with guns and knives on their hands.

"You want war Green Eyed Freak! We will give you war." Buck yelled.

Seungri grabs my hand pulling me behind him as if he were protecting me.

Just then Electra and Jay join in.

"Jin Ae, help me. I think I know a way we can fight back!" Electra says.

She gently pulls me away as Jay stays in with the others to help.

Electra pulls me into her practice room and reveals an Electric Machine.

"This will Zap those fools out our home!" She says.

"But how?" I asked confused.

"I am electra the electric lady. With this I can zap people like crazy, but with you, it will be even quicker!" She says.

"I cant do that! I will die!" I yelled.

"Rubber gloves! Here you go!" She hands me the gloves and I put them on.

"No matter the shock, you will be fine." She smiles. "All you have to do is aim with this stick and ZAP! They are shocked! Lets go help the men. We have to show them that us young girls are strong too."

I nod my head in determination and push the machine out into the 'war zone'.

Morge was attacking with his swords as Robin attacked with his claws and teeth.

Seungri and Buck were aiming guns at eachother.

"Jin Ae its ready cmon!" Electra yelled.

I grabbed the stick as she turned on the machine.

Electras hands were amazing to watch, she withstanded all that power and her hands lit up like a light bulb.

"Ready? Aim!!" Electra shocked a man coming towards her direction.

I jumped in shock.

I guess it was my turn.

I saw the static surrounding the glove and stick.

A man was coming towards me.

I quickly aimed and shocked him as well.

"Awesome!!! You did it!" Electra yelled.

The man was knocked down on the floor shocked by the attack I gave him.

I saw Seungri staring at me in shock as his green eye glowed.

I then see a Buck approaching Seungri with a knife.

"Seungri!!!!!" I yelled.

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